View Full Version : Why can't I accept this is TMJ?

01-09-13, 07:46
After months of anxiety and stress I was diagnosed with muscle TMJ but I just can't get it into my head. I just can't believe that all these symptoms are from TMJ, and my stress and anxiety levels are through the roof. I have medical phobia so it's not like I'm always having tests as I avoid everything, so why can't I accept it and get on with life? I have been even worse since I went to the hospital but don't know if its because I have been told to relax and it will settle down, and I can't as I am obsessed with these thoughts. How can TMJ give you nerve pain in your teeth and gums? I am ruining my life and that of my family. I have always suffered from GAD and HA but never as bad as this. Why can't I get some control back? I took a diazepam the other day but felt awful...several hours of complete panic because I didn't feel well. Don't know if it was physiological or psychological. Feeling absolutely awful and ill most of the time.

01-09-13, 08:57
Hi Jilly

I am no expert, but I have read quite a bit about TMJ, mainly because my jaw locked a couple of times this year and also I have tinnitus. To be honest I have no idea if I have tmj, thought I might mention it to the dentist next time I am there. Anyway, what I do know is that it can be responsible for a whole range of symptoms. There are exercises you can do to make it better I think, but based on what I have read it seems completely possible to cause nerve pain in your teeth.

I know it is hard to say when you have HA but I have been struggling over the past few days for some reason. I have posted about it elsewhere so won't go into the details. I had all sorts of symptoms. I have had to make a real concerted effort to relax, although I still find mornings hard (my worst anxiety time) and I have recently come off ADs as am determined to see this out. What I can say is that as I have started to relax more, miraculously the symptoms have alleviated significantly. I think I have been holding my whole body in a constant state of tension for over two weeks now, it is little wonder I ache!

Take care, and trust your GP. The Internet is a polarised source of negativity. Yes terrible things do happen, but probably far less than the Internet would have you believe.
