View Full Version : deflated !

harrys mummy
01-09-13, 08:57
Im feeling quite deflated this morning after some responses I had to a thread last night

I thought this was the place to come where you can be totally honest about how HA makes you feel no matter how awful! Clearly not

I appreciate how frustrating it must be for someone whos had illness to read the repeated jargon but you must also appreciate for me the feelings and fear are very real, I have also since talking about my fear of not seeing my son come across numerous people who feel the same

01-09-13, 09:06
At my worst I was seeing my dr 3 times per week. They then stopped reassuring me I'd come out of surgery crying with fear. I get how you feel I've been there and still there because no one can replace a mother and care for your child like its mother. However it's ruining your life. If you did have breast cancer you can't change it but what you can change is its effects on your life. I had cbt worked well for me. Made me rationalise it but also managing the anxiety. However I have a new one, racing heart which is totally affecting my life and all the advice I just have you I can't take myself!

01-09-13, 11:17
Harry's mummy
I read those posts and please don't feel bad. Nobody meant to make you feel deflated. They were only trying to help you out of this bad place you are in. Everyone of us on here understands how these things can take over your life. The chances of you having anything seriously wrong with you are slim and people are only trying to make you see that this constant worrying is not doing you or Harry any good. Please be reassured that we do understand and desperately want to help you through this.
Take care
Sal x

harrys mummy
01-09-13, 20:05
Thank you both for your replies, i dont think anyone will truely understand HA unless they have experienced it themselves.

I'm hoping to see my doctor tomorrow and am going to ask to be refered to a breast specialist x

01-09-13, 20:10
Youre so right, people who have never suffered with this terrible illness cant understand how it feels. I totally understand how youre feeling as my HA is the worst its ever been and Im struggling badly to deal with it. Good luck at the doctors tomorrow, please let us know how it goes. Youre not alone HM xxx

harrys mummy
01-09-13, 20:13
Thank you I will do xx