View Full Version : Racing heart

01-09-13, 09:38
My heart races at about 120 per min mostly in the middle of the night waking me up. Im waiting on results from ECG 24hr one. I'm scared its a heart condition. Had HA for 18 Years now was great last 3 years until I woke one night with racing heart now it's back. I feel I've gone back 4 years. I can't believe it's anxiety attacks as I'm asleep surely it wouldn't wake you up? My dr suggested beta blockers but would that stop racing heart? If I was going to have a heart attack would it stop that? Going out of my mind with worry. Can't cope with this anymore. My heart been racing 4 hrs now. Don't have other panic symptoms all the time it's often just heart racing. No breathlessness or anything until I really panic. Anyone relate??

01-09-13, 11:27
Anxiety attacks can actually happen when you are asleep, and aren't particularly rare. It's been suggested that in people with sensitive nervous systems (e.g. anxiety sufferers), small changes in your body due to progression through the stages of sleep can cause a surge of adrenaline and anxiety attacks. You did say it's been racing for 4 hours, which could be because of the anxiety the initial heart racing. I think this may be likely, especially given that you are so worried. Sometimes our bodies can react very quickly to even the slightest worry we have.

You've done all you can do by going to the doctor and getting a 24 hour ECG. Hopefully this will come back and give a reason for the racing heart. If it doesn't, then I would suggest that it is most likely to be just anxiety attacks in sleep. Beta blockers may be useful, as they slow down the stress response in the body, including heart racing. But your doctor will be able to talk it through with you after your results come back. Wishing you all the best :)

01-09-13, 12:00
If you've been to a doctor and the beating of your heart is fine then you won't die because of the 120 bpm anytime soon. You are obviously very nervous and I know that this is very uncomfortable but It will pass. One way or another this will pass and you will look back and you will think "This was not as bad as I though it was when it was happening" This is the nature of our anxiety.

I hope you feel better soon friend. Stay strong and best of luck.

01-09-13, 12:11
Thank you for replying both of you. I'm having the odd palpitation now which is even worse. I feel horrendous and totally on edge but I'm glad that attacks can happen in the night. I'd never heard of it before xx

01-09-13, 13:33
Hi Poppy my panic attacks were all in the night and woke me up.

01-09-13, 13:38
Hi Poppy,
My heart rate is always around 120 in the mornings when I wake up. My doctor assured me that a healthy heart can handle it and it's nothing to worry about. Then he said if that wasn't true, then all the athletes in the world would drop dead during game day. good point and I try to remind myself of that often :)

01-09-13, 13:43
that's mainly when my starts at night time I put it down to im more relaxed and more time to lie there thinking :)