View Full Version : Do you get obsessed with things and go through phases?

01-09-13, 09:47
Ok so I get easily obsessive about things & go through obsessive phases.

For example:
At the moment I'm re-reading Harry Potter and I'm getting rather obsessive about it.
I used to be addicted to these books when I was younger but now I've bought the collection and the DVDs and watching/reading almost everyday.
Because of this, I end up dreaming about it and everything.

Other times, I become obsessive about various books/films/TV shows and music.

Sometimes it's even obsessive phases with certain people.

I have always liked these things but obsessive thoughts seem to sweep over me for say a few weeks to months at a time.

I'm not sure what to do and whether this is entirely normal?

01-09-13, 10:47
Yes I go through obsessive phases about things.
My latest one being food and weight.
I also recently can't sleep in my room unless it spotless and tidy.I cleared it all out at so theirs only my bed, pyjamas, draws and dressing table, lamp, fan and small electric heater and iPad and phone.

01-09-13, 11:51
I took this from your signature
Diagnosed: Health Anxiety, OCD, seperation anxiety and depression sufferer

"When will you accept yourself?

What is normal anyway? To you this apparently is normal.

It's quite obvious that when you dive deep into a certain subject that said subject will be on your mind more often the more you delve into it.

Hope you feel better soon.

01-09-13, 16:24
I have always been like that, too. Unfortunately for the past 1.5 years it has been health worries that have consumed my thoughts. Wish I could go back to my Harry Potter obsession. :weep:

01-09-13, 17:40
I know what you mean about it being normal in most cases but what happens when it takes over in your life? Like an addiction.
I have got like this about certain people in the past who I've been in love with and it's consumed my every thought and feeling.

I know Harry Potter isn't the worst thing to be obsessed about but this is one of many obsessions.
I'm not sure if its because I'm worried about going back to work after 6 weeks off tomorrow and using it as a kind of escapism.

01-09-13, 18:31
That is no way an obsession! I've been doing the same thing recently with Harry Potter as the films have been on, and I can't put the books down when I reread them. I could read them again and again as a comfort thing, I kind of latch on to it.
Don't label yourself so easily with those clinical words like obsession. You might become obsessed with obsession :roflmao: You're stuck in self-fixing mode GirlAfraid, sometimes it's better not to care if something might be wrong :)

01-09-13, 18:44
I'm a musician... I get this with certain groups or artists where I get on a listening binge. Totally normal IMO.