View Full Version : Health anxiety

01-09-13, 10:06
Hi every one I wondere if you can help me. I've had health anxiety since I was 16 I am now 23. I am constantly googling and crying and I'm not sure what to do I feel like I am going to go mad. My doctor doesn't seem to take me seriously any more so I have resulted in going to a&e on a regular basis. For the passed few months I have been worrying about cervical cancer because of having some bleeding after sex I had a smear test which came back clear which left me to find another illness. Last week I started having a bad head ache then a sore throat and ear ache I went to the doctors am they told me I have tonsillitis which is fine they gave me some antibiotics and I went home to then google the causes of tonsillitis which came up that it is rare in adults and is usually caused by glandular fever I then googled glandular fever and It came up that glandular fever symptoms are similar to those off early hiv I am so scared and I am not sure what to do I just need some reassurance or something
I have been on the antibiotics for a week now an it does not seen to have cleared do you think this really is hiv or just tonsillitis and my anxiety ?
Please can someone help me x

01-09-13, 11:18
Hi Daisiemay,

Have you ever seen a counsellor/psychologist/psychiatrist? Generally anxiety isn't a strong focus for doctors and GPs. They can't really treat it, they can only rule out other things.

01-09-13, 11:23
Hi thanks so much for replying. Yeah I know my doctor just looks bored and passes every thing off as nothing when I go to him. I have tried Concillors but the ones that my go referred me to we're just over the phone when really I would like to speak to someone face to face I have now been referred to a psychiatrist to see if that makes any difference. Do you think it is just tonsillitis or something more serious like hiv x

01-09-13, 12:07
You really need to break the cycle of health fear. "I had a smear test which came back clear which left me to find another illness."

Every time you find the source of you symptoms (your mind) another symptom pops up. You have bad health anxiety and a doctor who is schooled in curing physical conditions can't do much for an illness of the mind.

Go to a psychiatrist or a mental health professional. It took me years to come to terms and accept the fact that I AM an anxiety sufferer. Just accepting it. Really acknowledging that I have some issues in my mind I need to work on have made me so much better.

But if you really think it will help. An HIV test cant be that complicated or hard to have done. So it's really up to you.

01-09-13, 17:00
I have had the test but I am now just waiting on the results I am just so scared that I am going to die x

01-09-13, 20:18
People live with HIV for a really really long time without it being very detrimental to their lives. Besides, how likely is it that you REALLY have HIV?

02-09-13, 08:39
Sometimes I think rationally and I think no I can't have it and then other times I am so convinced that I do have it x

02-09-13, 13:50
If you know that you think irrationally when anxious. You should review your thoughts when you're in a more stable mindset rather then running with what you imagine could be while in an anxious / irrational state.

Weird advice I know. To wait for rationality while irrational... I guess it's about forming habits and getting better with practice and time.

Best of luck.

02-09-13, 17:15
I have had my results back they were all clear and so were my boyfriends so that's good. I am just really concerned about how I have this throat infection/tonsillitis as I can see all yellow down my throat and it hurts to swallow I am thinking it could be throat cancer? X