View Full Version : Tea tastes like metal

01-09-13, 11:50
Oh god, its me again! Just had a cup of tea and it had a strange metal taste. Everyone else says theirs tastes ok. Any ideas anyone?

01-09-13, 11:57
One of the symptoms of anxiety is taste perversion. That means things can taste weird and often metallic. I've had this many many many times.

01-09-13, 11:59
Wow I didn't know that. I get it a lot and just assumed it was some weird anxiety thing!!

01-09-13, 13:40
oh ive had that thought it was just me thanks :D glad to no its not just me

01-09-13, 15:28
Wow, I've never thought to ask about this but I get it too! I also get it when I eat ice cubes. I always end up sticking my fingers in my mouth to see if I'm bleeding because it has the metallic taste of blood, but there's never any blood...

01-09-13, 16:06
Thanks for this thread. This is me all the time.---" Nothing wrong with it"--- is all I get
I am glad I am not the only one

01-09-13, 18:33
Wow I didn't know you could get different tastes when anxious. That's really interesting. Hope its put your mind at rest hadenough xx

01-09-13, 19:57
It has thanks, now to wait for the next symptom! I have to stop this merry go round somehow.