View Full Version : Worth Viewing

01-09-13, 16:55
As I've researched HA, I've come to truly understand the patterns, behaviors and triggers that indicate a HA issue. This has helped me recognize it in many of the posts on the cancer sites I participate in. As someone in an admin capacity, I must be able to assess certain situations and respond in various ways as diplomatically as I can. However, there are times when one must be straight up and to the point and "cyber slap" someone upside the head to get a point across. In many a situation, a "spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down" , but in some situations, a :) won't get the point across.

I have literally a 50/50 chance of surviving the next five years. This is a statistical fact. Having survived two heart attacks, bypass surgery and stent procedures and most recently oral cancer, one of these issues will most likely take me. However, I'm at peace with myself and "choose" to think I'll be on the positive side of that 50/50 statistic! If you can pull anything from my experiences and posts, is that life is too short to worry about things you can't control.

At any rate....I came across this on Youtube. As I watched, it was as if I was reading posts from here one after the other. It's quite frankly mind boggling to listen to. In many ways. this person would and does appear "mad", especially the part where her HA has her literally seeing physical changes (muscle wasting in her hands) where no one else can see them. Personally, I believe many will relate to it but even with those with severe HA, this may appear to be mad to even you! There are some very valuable points this person makes and it's worth taking the time to listen and watch.

Truly, I wish all of you who suffer from this affliction the very best. Life is much too short to worry about dying. Bottom line, it's going to happen to every one of us sooner or later. In the mean time, LIVE, don't just exist, and do whatever you can to help yourself.

Click HERE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIovUeKkzyI) to view the video.

01-09-13, 17:09
Funny you chose that one cos Sarah is a member on here lol

01-09-13, 17:12
Really? I had no clue obviously. I did find it a coincidence that she was British though.

Her conclusions are spot on and I'm glad to see she has taken a stand and helped herself.

01-09-13, 17:22
I don't think she is an active member now but still a member nonetheless

01-09-13, 21:11
Could you write the title please it does'nt take me to it?

01-09-13, 21:45
Health anxiety/BREAKDOWN!!!

01-09-13, 22:01
Fishmanpa. You are wise. And you have my respect. I strive to live like you one day. In the moment and unwary of inevitable death.

I'm looking forward to see more posts from you.
All the best.

01-09-13, 22:19
Thank you Eyji...

We all ponder the point of our existence. If in some small way my time on this Earth helps another, then I've accomplished what I feel my life is about.

Positive thoughts and prayers