View Full Version : feels like im in a buble or my own world

01-09-13, 17:24
Hi Guys
I wonder if anyone goes through this and can help me. I feel like im in my own world half the time yet I go to work and drive around the country everyday but I have this feeling of only being half their I feel like I want to break out of this thing what ever it is I don't feel alive just existing its like im on the inside of something looking out I know whats going off and its very hard for me .how do I become interested in the outside world I feel like im cracking up sometimes take now for example im writingthis but but I don't feel 100 per cent here writing it does this make sence or am I loseing it

01-09-13, 18:37
Hey Melvin. You aren't losing it... This sounds like depersonalisation.
It's pretty common and I'm sure a lot of us have had experiences of it. I remember a patch when I almost felt as if everyone else was a different species because I felt no connection to them at all. It was a really strange and uneasy sensation but it passed on its own.

Good luck with it.

01-09-13, 19:39
Thank you for your reply james

01-09-13, 20:25
Hello melvin, I feel like that alot, like im not quite here, like im on the outside looking in, you aren't alone x

01-09-13, 20:31
Hi Melvin,

I've been getting this too. It's really unpleasant, but I believe it's something that goes over time, and as you start to get a hold on your anxiety. I know that, for me at least, it fades when I'm feeling better and more positive about life, and then comes back when my mood starts to go down again.

Stay strong. :)

01-09-13, 20:32
I have this all the time from when I wake up it's such a strange feeling, gets me down sometimes. I really don't know what to do about it

10-09-13, 18:17
thank you for your replys guys im really worried that I might have alzimers coming on or another sort of mental problem and its starting to get me down a bit

12-09-13, 00:23
I often feel like this, Melvin. I feel so locked into my head and my thoughts, like I can't interact with the real world anymore. It really gets me down. This is part of anxiety and having anxious thoughts, and with time I think it will dissipate! Hope you get back to feeling well again soon. :hugs: