View Full Version : Thigh pain :/

01-09-13, 17:30
went to docs regarding my side pain and she is referring me for ultrasound on my ovaries and kidneys , scan 3 year ago picked up multiple cysts, she just wants to check on them.
however for nearly a month, I have been having shooting pains in my left leg, mainly the left thigh, that's where all my pains are- left side,left ovary area and left lower back area.
im thinking the worst again :( ovarian cancer :(
the pain today has been in both thighs, I don't think it is a dvt as it is both legs.
the doc has swabbed me for bacterial vaginosis and im waiting for the results, she did say that side pain is common with bv.
also the area around my belly button can get very sore but right deep inside.
im just scared as to what is going on inside of me... :(

01-09-13, 19:01
If you have cysts it could well be them causing the pain?

It' good you are having them checked as they may need to be drained if they have got bigger and are putting pressure on nearby areas.

I doubt it's anything sinister if the doc thought for one minute it could be OC wouldn't she have ordered blood tests to check your hormone levels?

It could be a multitude of things, you may have pulled something, could be a trapped nerve, IBS or the cysts you already have I'm sure it's not OC.

A few years back I was getting a lot of pain on my left side ovary area and I was convinced it was OC, this went on for a long long time and I was so scared to go to the docs I ignored it. I eventually had to go about another issue and an ultrasound was ordered and they said everything looked fine and surprisingly enough the pain stopped.

So I think a lot of it was due to anxiety and me stressing about it.

Let us know how it goes I'm sure you'll be fine.

take care

02-09-13, 18:09
I too have been having thigh pain. Worse when I walk.

Turns out I had spd when I was pregnant and it's not gone away. My baby is 5 months. I'm now seeing a physio who found the issue. It caused groin, low back and thigh and hip pain!!