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01-09-13, 19:11
Well after nearly a year i have been diagnosed with ocd, even though i doubt i have something much worse. However i guess that's what it does.

i drift between 3 main subjects, but the therapist said it was normal :/

1. thinking im gay, thinking oh hes good looking and so forth :( even though im not

2. thinking im skizo and try to act out the symptoms.

3. unthinkable thoughts of sex with anyone :(

The latter 2 are the main concern :(. However i know to just keep on going and push them to the back and im starting to learn. The therapist put me on zolflot but it made me feel awful, so i stopped taking it.

I have continued with the mitrazpine, and its helping with sleep and i dont feel depressed anymore and i don't get anixiety, which can be a pain as with the anxiety you know the thoughts are wrong if that make sence.

03-09-13, 21:17
It's good that the medication is working and with therapy, I'm sure you'll get better! What kind of therapy are you having?