View Full Version : Strange panic attacks - anyone relate?

01-09-13, 19:17
I am concerned about my panic attacks (actually, freaking out!). They seem to have changed from normal panic attacks so I am very scared and now it's making me agoraphobic. It started a couple of weeks ago. Went to go into the supermarket and suddenly my neck tightened up and my head felt weird and I felt sick and then the panic set in. Anyone relate to this?

01-09-13, 19:24
its probabley tension in your neck I get it ,I no its not nice just another horrible symptom we have to put up with :hugs:

02-09-13, 07:13
Yeah. The tight muscles symptom is pretty bad as it can leave you sore for some time afterwards. I find that if I notice my neck and shoulders tensing up I can take a slow breath and consciously relax.
Try not to let these feelings keep you from doing things or going to places as it can be much harder in future if you get in the habit of avoidance.
Good luck.

03-09-13, 21:49
Dropping your shoulders helps a bit with the neck thing a bit and slowing your breathing down

04-09-13, 09:32
I am concerned about my panic attacks (actually, freaking out!). They seem to have changed from normal panic attacks so I am very scared and now it's making me agoraphobic. It started a couple of weeks ago. Went to go into the supermarket and suddenly my neck tightened up and my head felt weird and I felt sick and then the panic set in. Anyone relate to this?

Yup i relate and am agoraphobic as a result.

07-09-13, 23:40
It's really nothing to worry about. I won't panic for a while or i'll be doing something which is keeping me occupied and i'll suddenly get a strain or odd feeling in my neck/upper back/shoulders.
A lot of people with anxiety gets these feelings so i've learned during the past few days. Please don't stress! :3

08-09-13, 10:07
This happened to me a few years ago and it ate me up, what ever you do don't let it get the better of you, force yourself out of the house, no matter how frightened you are, other wise it is a slippery slope down to full blown agoraphobia.