View Full Version : self medicating with alcohol. ..

01-09-13, 20:12
Just wondered if anyone else has or does self medicate with drink?

L x

01-09-13, 20:21
I do sometimes I don't take any meds so not so bad it does make me feel better but worse the next day x

01-09-13, 20:23
Im new, as you can probably tell... but I've been self medicating despite the anti ds etc I'm on, I know its making me worse but stopping it is so hard :weep: thanks for replying x

01-09-13, 20:50
Instead of stopping, you can bend it a little, change it from "self medicating" to a weekly award...or a chance of a break from your anxiety. Still not perfect but an improvement. I drink when I want because it's fun and I have a good time, regardless of the next day, doubtless others will say different but that's my view. If you can get to that point that's something.
I thought you're not meant to drink at all with antidepressents though?!

01-09-13, 20:52
No you aren't guess its another problem to add to my list :doh:

01-09-13, 21:35
Yeah that's a bit more urgent, you could be hurting yourself. If you stop drinking the pills might start working :)

01-09-13, 21:50
I did at a time but I've stopped. I have at least a couple of friends that do this.

01-09-13, 21:51
It seems a bit pointless to go to the trouble of taking the anti-ds if you are drinking stuff which makes the condition worse AND stops them working. Do you find it helps overall? I guess you are a bit concerned or you wouldn't have posted...

01-09-13, 21:53
I know my drinking exaggerates the anxiety and depression, its a short term fix, its just one I've got used to using to stop the initial feelings..

01-09-13, 22:48
Been offered therapy? Knowlege is the way out.

01-09-13, 22:59
Bless you, you are well on the way to getting control I think. Don't beat yourself up...

02-09-13, 01:47
"It seems a bit pointless to go to the trouble of taking the anti-ds if you are drinking stuff which makes the condition worse AND stops them working."

Speranza is right....

Consuming alcohol, especially when taking psychotropic drugs is not only dangerous but irresponsible and self destructive and is indicative of deeper rooted issues.

While I totally understand why one would self medicate (been there, done that), it's counter-productive and makes your situation with anxiety disorder worse.

Of course , these are just words on a screen and you can choose to hit the little "x" and ignore them. It's my hope you don't and seek the help you're seeking by admitting this in a public forum.

Positive thoughts and prayers

02-09-13, 09:16
Thank you speranze x

Fishmanpa, yes, I suppose its a form of self destruct, and I do want help so no I wont hit x, instead ill say thank you for the positive thoughts and prayers, and send some back your way x

02-09-13, 10:02
I have been self medicating with alcohol on and off for years. I suffer with social anxiety and found it really helped with social situations. However it is only another method of avoidance and doesn't really deal with the problem. I always felt ten times worse the next day.

My advice would be to stay clear of alcohol until things are better. Easier said than done I know, but it should help you maintain a more even keel.

02-09-13, 10:04
Thanks Spencer 80, am on day 2 of being AF, and hoping it all contributes to being less anxious in the long run x

02-09-13, 10:23
Good luck. I'm sure you can do it. I am avoiding alcohol at the moment in the hope that it helps things level out. Let me know how you get on. x

02-09-13, 12:49
I began Prozac in June and haven't had alcohol since. I do sometimes miss it but I am NOT missing the paralyzing anxiety... :shades:

02-09-13, 22:48
I know my drinking exaggerates the anxiety and depression, its a short term fix, its just one I've got used to using to stop the initial feelings..

Know EXACTLY how you feel. I refuse to take meds and drinking makes me feel better but I had a large one Saturday and was really anxious yesterday and still am today.

I leave it alone in the week and only do Saturdays now as drinking 2 days in a row makes me feel too bad to handle now with angst

02-09-13, 23:33
Hi enoughalready, im at the close of day 2 of not drinking now, not feeling too bad, but havent left the house yet! suppose its the calm before the storm x

03-09-13, 08:44
I self medicated with alcohol for the longest time and it made me all the worse.

03-09-13, 09:18
I enjoyed a few beers on meds, more than I should I think. Pure escape for me.

04-09-13, 12:45
I am worried about my drinking too. I thought i had my anxieties kinda under control and could go out for the most part, but now i have to go out at least twice a day and im finding i have to drink to do it. I feel terrible coz i hav 2 children. So far today ive had alc for breakfast & a cracker & alc for lunch.

Alc has pros and cons for me at least, it does give a bit of confidence but it also makes it easier for me to go red :(