View Full Version : Hi All.

01-09-13, 21:25
Hi everyone,

My name is John, I've been suffering with anxiety for the last 10 years. Had many ups and downs throughout this period, currently going through a major down.

I had been on citaloprom since I was about 22 now 32, I decided to come off it last year and everything was going well (or so I thought) until a couple of weeks ago when I crashed. I've gone back on cit and am going to try CBT as I've not tried it and heard good things. I think something other than meds will hopefully let me beat it for good. Although right now this seems a long way off.

Anyway enough of my ramblings... for now at least. Hope to have a chat with you folks soon.

Laters x

01-09-13, 21:39
Hi there, I've found cbt to be very helpful, Hope your meds soon kick in for you x

01-09-13, 21:51
Hey there,

I'm hopeful that CBT will help combat the negative thought cycle. Fingers crossed. The side effects of going back on the meds are a chore though. Should level off after a few more days, or so I hope. X

01-09-13, 21:55
Yes, they will.. just hangin there x

01-09-13, 21:59
:welcome:cbt was good for me hope it is for you to

01-09-13, 22:02
Cheers. Onwards and upwards! X :)

01-09-13, 22:20
its the way to go :D