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View Full Version : Need replies. Just had my ears Syringed

02-09-13, 09:23
Hello :)I posted a simular thread in panic attacks but I thought this section would be better

A few months ago I started getting "Sinking" feelings in my chest at night time whever I was high laying in bed or sitting up, which would make me sit up and freqk out. My doctor put me on Mirtazapine 30mgband said it was Anxiety. Anyway it kept doing it more and more but only when I was sitting down or sitting up (never did it while walking around or at work).
Anyway a few weeks ago another doctor put me on Mirtazapine 45mg and in the last 2 weeks I have been having full on Panic attacks. So I stopped smoking weed a couple weeks ago because of it. (My docs now know I smoked)
Anyway cos of these attacks kept happening at night while I was driving or playing xbox (never while walking around) my doctor told me to stop taking the tablets as the were clearly not working
So nearly every night since I have been having a panic attack almost everynight and it came to my attention that I could have had an ear infection cos my ears have been popping and my mum is always saying how deaf I am lol
So the doctor checked my eqrs last night and she said "THEY ARE COMPLETELY BLOCKED UP WITH WAX!" She couldn't even see my ear drums
So today I went and had my ears Syringed and now my hearing feels SO MUCH BETTER now and my music sounds alot louder haha.
Anyway she said that might fix my Panic attack problems and see how I go within the next couple of weeks
Its now been 6 hours since i have had them Syringed and I haven't had a panic attack yet, I have felt slight ones sort of coming on in my chet but they pretty much go away. But its only just night time here now so I don't want to get ahead of myself just yet

What do you guys think? Now that my ears are clean will I not have anymore Panic Attacks? I HOPE NOT

If it was my ears this whole time it would probably explain why the Mirtazapine tablets weren't fixing it and how I had my worst Panic Attack coming up a huge hill in my car which I had to get out a few time and stuggle to breathe, the further up the hill I went the worse I got, I had to wav someone over to drive me to the medical centre!

If I don't have anymore panic attacks within the next couple months then I will wait another month till I can start smoking weed again just to make sure