View Full Version : Citalopram two weeks and feel rubbish.

02-09-13, 10:35

I've been on 10mg cit for two weeks now and I don't seem to feel like things are getting any better. If anything I feel worse and can only function on the odd day here and there.

I was due to go back to work on Wednesday but don't think I can face it yet. This adds to the anxiety.

I'm getting to the point where I don't think the meds are working and have to really battle to convince myself its early days and things will pick up.

Has anyone else felt this way?

02-09-13, 10:50
Hiya Spencer (not stalking I promise)
These meds can take upto 6 weeks to work, theres no immediate fix.. unfortunately. All I can say is hang in there, keep posting and talking about how you feel, if you can't handle work at the moment could you get a sick note, routine may help tbh, but if its making you feel worse don't do it. Have you tried mindfulness, or cbt, I've been doing workbooks at home I got from Amazon, pm if you want any info xx be strong :hugs:

02-09-13, 11:14

If only there was a quick fix :-)

I'll keep battling as you say it can take 6 weeks before you notice a difference.

I've not tried the mindfullness approach will have to look into that. I bought a CBT book from Amazon so going to give that a go. I'm also waiting for CBT through the NHS.

Think I'll see if I can get a sick note from the doc as I'm not ready for work yet. Couldn't be doing with the extra stress.

Thanks for the support. Really appreciate it. :-)

03-09-13, 00:16
Ive been taking 20mg for 4 weeks now and feel my mood has lifted but not sure about the anxiety which is probably mild/moderate. It might be that when you next see your GP you will increase to 20mg, but definitely give it longer to have an effect.

03-09-13, 00:43
Am now upto 40mg citalipram and OMG I hate the first month or two I felt 10 times worse that what I did before I started them an wanted to just stop them as didn't think they were helpin at all but I stuck with them and thank god I did... I read a very long post on here called my citalopram survival guide or something like that by phychopoet an it really helped me stick with the tablets

Here's the link if you haven't already read it. - http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=46980

03-09-13, 09:32
sorry to tell u this hun, but your gonna feel crap for another couple weeks yet, but the 1st 2 weeks are the hardest, untill it settles it will amp everything and make u feel real poo, you really have to battle through it, i upped my dose to 20mg at 3 weeks per docs advise and that really helped reduce the anxiety and up my mood, by 5 weeks i had turned a corner. but i still had anxiety and shit days untill about 9 weeks, since then its been pretty good, no real anxiety now, im about 15 weeks now, but this is my 2nd time on cit, 1st time was for around 18 months, it really does work if the meds suit u x good look and sti8ck with it

03-09-13, 18:23
Thanks folks. I'm having a much better day today. The anxiety is the lowest its been since starting the meds. Feeling very tired due to minimal sleep but can handle that.

The survival guide really helps put things into context. They key is to ride out the bad days and enjoy the good/manageable days. That's how I'm gonna play it.

Let's see what tomorrow brings.

03-09-13, 19:23
I'm 3 weeks into citalapram 20mg daily.. Hoping to feel better soon, I hope you do too x

03-09-13, 20:13
Ive been on Cit now for 33 days, and not sure if I should feel better than I do? I mean my mood as lifted but still anxious and unmotivated. Seeing my GP tomorrow, not sure whether to ask for an increase to 30mg and see how that goes, or is it too early?