View Full Version : Abroad and worried :(

02-09-13, 14:02
I'm away for work and I've been feeling terrible, black floaters and pressure dizzy feeling in my head :(

Anything you can think it could be or you can think to help with? I'm still convinced my clear MRI done earlier this year was either wrong or needs re doing - I can't get this feeling to go away :(

Female healthanxiety
02-09-13, 14:51
Hello Gee,

Please do not worry hun....

I know, and am sure many of us on here, are familiar with this when we are away.....

Try and embrace the moment and think in your head of when you will be back, and what you will be thinking about how you are feeling now.....

I feel like you now - and I am at work in my usual environment - so what your going through is completely normal.

Do you have access to the internet?

I have an Iphone 4 and download a self-help book for HA - You can read it straight away


04-09-13, 11:12
Hi I'm in exactly the same boat! I'm on holiday with family & I keep worrying and making my
Head feel funny dizzy and off balance get pressure head aches the lot & if I'm not worrying about that I'm worried ill get a appendicitis or something, but its all in our heads whatever's going to happen it will happen anyway weather you worry or not but anexity is awful & I hate it so I totally understand how you must be feeling xxx

04-09-13, 11:33
Hi guys thanks for the replies, I'm away for work and on my own so my brain is in overdrive :( it's so scary I go home today and have a doc app Monday I hope I'll b ok but the scary MS thoughts never stop :(
I hope you can enjoy your family holiday babe xxx

04-09-13, 12:02
You sound just like me! Im going away with work tomorrow till Monday and Im convinced something will happen whilst I'm away hence why my anxiety is through the roof at the moment! I am sat here sweating, spinning/dizziness, my eyes keep going weird and I keep getting weird head sensations..

Its driving me nuts and I just want to get away from it but I can't... its with me everyday!