View Full Version : Dizzy Spells Still - please advise - it's starting to ruin my life, can't cope ;-((((

Female healthanxiety
02-09-13, 15:54
Hi there,

Sorry if I am going on - I get months that I am OK, but this past year, I just can't shake this off!

I seem to be always feeling dizzy ;-(((( I have recently had a Full Blood Count and all came back normal, they even checked my vitamins, and all was fine ;-( - I know I shouldn’t sound ungrateful, but I feel worse as I believe if my DR told me I was still deficient in Vitamin D or something, I would put my symptoms down to that!!! Funny isn’t it.....

I have gone from a size 12 to a 14 within the year, and have not felt like exercising because of how I feel – I feel like it will be too much for my body and the constant dizziness will make me faint, so have been putting it off for the past year.

I have decided to eat healthy this week by incorporating fish, eggs etc, to see whether that will help – am at my wits end.

I know I am going through quite a stressful time at the moment – which is probably not helping – come 2.30pm every day I feel like I need to sleep and the dizziness gets worse.

I have PROMISED my friend I would try Zumba with her tonight, and guess what – my dizziness is playing havoc today – even typing this – my eyes feel heavy and I have this constant heavy head where I feel like I am going to faint – I know this is not all in my head, as I do not even think about it – I wake up with it, and I also notice this when I am having a drink and chilling out ;-((

Any replies are really welcoming.

Hope your having a better day then me


---------- Post added at 15:54 ---------- Previous post was at 14:34 ----------

Anyone '-) x

02-09-13, 16:28
sounds all anxiety related to me, the more you think about it the more it will happen believe me i know as i am the same,try breathing exercises it may help ,being in an anxious state also really tires you out ,i had a really bad day yesterday and am exhausted today hope this helps. Linda

02-09-13, 16:32
Im sat reading your post I carnt believe how much its like me ,even down to the weight gain ,the dizziness is my worst symptom its there everyday ,its like today I was in a shop in the dreaded cue and it started thought I was going to faint it controls my life is that how you feel im taking stemetil much good that is :weep:

Female healthanxiety
02-09-13, 16:40
Hello Lindyl - I know just can't shake the feeling off! ;-(

MRS STRESSED - your message is very soothing! - I now have heart burn, and always remember someone telling me that heartburn is worse before a Heart Attack - its like a burning feeling in my throat, and also feels like I need to swallow - I also feel a slight burn in my stomach - GOSHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Yes I feel the same.

What is Stemetil? x

02-09-13, 16:48
stemetil is for my dizziness doesn't do a thing daft thing is I still take it :D if it makes you feel better I to suffer with really bad heartburn and acid reflux its all anxiety its horrible all the things we have to put up with ,I try to keep myself as busy as I can I no its hard keep positive:) hope you feel better soon xx Jude :D

Female healthanxiety
02-09-13, 16:50
Thanks Jude - hmmmmmmmm may ask my DR for this!!?

It is just so scary as you think dizziness stems from an inbalance somewhere - but obviously not where anxiety is concerned,

if you don't mind me asking - how old are you?

02-09-13, 16:58
im 43 its worth asking your doctor for it you can only try :Dgive it ago

Female healthanxiety
02-09-13, 17:27
Thanks - I have Zumba at 8.00 - feeling all hot and dizzy though ;-((((

02-09-13, 17:35
:yesyes:stay positive only do what you can and good luck :Dyour braver than me

02-09-13, 21:41
Just needed to reply cos it sounds like me also! I'm dizzy everyday (or lightheaded) and have been since October last year :weep:
I have also gained weight (partly because I think I comfort eat to feel better). I have heartburn too! Have done for 2 years and if I don't take lanzaprozole daily I really know about it! The dizziness is horrid. I've over-analysed it & come up with so many theories its ridiculous :blush: sometimes I think it's more a balance problem as I feel unsteady walking. Labyrinthitis and BPPV have been ruled out and I'm at a loss. Generally I deal with it, but on bad days the doubts creep in "what if there's a sinister cause lurking inside me that nobody has diagnosed?" Aargh. I hate the bad days! I'm seeing an ENT consultant tomorrow for a second appointment. Not feeling very optimistic that she'll get to the bottom of it. And I am utterly convinced mine is not just anxiety. It comes on randomly out of the blue. I'm not saying I think it's serious - but I really believe there's a physical reason triggering it - even if its just a pinched artery or nerve or something simple. Sorry you suffer with this too, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. :weep:

02-09-13, 22:06
I have had dizziness since last November, it's ruined my life! Mine cones completely out the blue to... Could be lying down in bed or stood up :( it's horrible and always leads to panic, hot, sweating, trembling etc... The problem now is I'm scared of when the dizziness will come :( I've had an mri, ecg all clear, 4 ENT appointments and they can't find anything wrong :(

So your not alone... As above im always think... There's something more sinister than anxiety or this time when I get dizzy something is definitely going to happen...

Not sure if this helps but at least we're not alone x