View Full Version : been to doctor update

harrys mummy
02-09-13, 16:30
Just an update...

Just saw my doctor she said she still thinks its a cyst but wants to refer me to the breast clinuc for them to have a look in case it needs removing etc.

So good news

Do I believe her.............

02-09-13, 16:38
Yes you do believe her.

02-09-13, 17:00
Thanks for letting us know. I know how hard it is to believe doctors, Im the same, but I hope you can manage to do that. xx

02-09-13, 17:23
Just an update...Just saw my doctor she said she still thinks its a cyst but wants to refer me to the breast clinuc for them to have a look in case it needs removing etc.
So good news

Do I believe her.............

put your trust in her; she's a professional and is referring you to ensure you get the right treatment. that's all she can do and she is doing the right thing. for your part, you need to trust her & this will help you to feel better generally as well.

02-09-13, 17:56
Glad you got something sorted. Hope the appointment at the clinic will put your mind at rest. X

02-09-13, 18:00
Why would you not believe her?? she has no reason to lie to you

harrys mummy
02-09-13, 18:09
I dont have any reason not to believe her your right, I know that, but why wont my brain let me then?

I dont think I'll be content until ive seen the specialist

Thanks for your replys x

02-09-13, 19:37
"Do I believe her............."

Let me ask you a few questions...

Do you "want" to believe her? Answer this one honestly. It's vital you're honest with yourself.

I know you love your son. I would venture to say you love him more than just about anything.
Do you love him enough to believe what the doctors and everyone here has said?

Are you happy always being in a state of panic, worry and doubt?

If you truly "want" to believe her, and you truly love your son, you'll do something to break the bonds that HA is putting on your life. For your sake and your family, seek out someone that can help. You took a step by voicing your fears in this forum. However comforting it may be to know there are others like yourself, it doesn't get you better! Wouldn't it be awesome to post in the success stories section?

It's up to you... so I ask you one final question...

What do "you" want to do about it?

Positive thoughts and prayers