View Full Version : Back to square one, I just can't cope

02-09-13, 16:32

I went away for the weekend. It was a struggle at first but then I was fine. Hardly any anxiety or panic. Slept well. Came home feeling really positive and in control. I've been home a day and suddenly the anxiety and panic have started up again. I could just cry :( My legs feel heavy and weak and they look pale and a funny colour. My mind is doing overtime. I'm tired and now feel almost suicidal that I had such a positive few days to then be thrown back to the start again. I can't see and end to all this.

02-09-13, 18:03
Hi florance
I feel for you. It's so disappointing when this happens and it does happen to a lot of us. I know it feels like you won't come through this but you will. You did well to let it all go while you were away. I guess that makes it more upsetting that you feel so bad now though. I wish I could offer some more advice but just know that you are not alone. I feel a bit rubbish myself today and can't seem to shake it off. Try and be kind to yourself. Tomorrow will be a better day hopefully.
Take care

02-09-13, 18:44
Florance...Think of the positives...you did really well to get away and you did so well while you were there. Quite often after we have been 'challenged' and achieved something it can tire us and make us feel a bit more anxious for a few days. Focus on how well you did and you will soon overcome it.