View Full Version : crisis team coming to see me

worried 101
02-09-13, 17:47
So ive hit rock bottom.
Went to see my gp and broke down.told him that i couldnt cope anymore and my partner and mum came.we were all crying and he got a psychiatric nurse to come see me at home.now im waiting to see a home crisis team tomorow.feel so low its unbelievae.scared by my anxities and things that come into my head.scared tk sleep cos then i wake up and it hits me like a ton of bricks and i cant breathe.just feel so low.my anxiety stops me believing qnything good is going to happen to me.

02-09-13, 18:15
While I can't help you with many words, all I can say is "Done that, Been There, Got the T-Shirt."

I have had some really horrible times over the past 35 years but you will come through it. At least you've been to your GP and now the medical people know you need help and it's being put into operation.

If you feel you can't cope overnight, get yourself down to A&E. My local A&E have psychiatric doctors on call through the night so you could get some help if need be.

Take it an hour at a time, if you can't do that then take it a minute at a time and if you can't do that just a second at a time.

Make sure you're not alone tonight - you will get through it.

I found what was causing my problem - I have coeliac disease, and I'm now cured!!

Chin up, you WILL get through this and you WILL get better.

02-09-13, 20:14
So sorry you're feeling this way. :( It's great that you're getting help. You will get better! :hugs:

02-09-13, 20:25
I think the fact you went to your GP and seeked help shows a lot of courage in you. On that note alone I concur with what people said above, things will improve and it seems like you have some determination in you to make forward steps. Wish you all the best :hugs:

02-09-13, 20:28
I'm sorry you're in this state but you've done the right thing in seeking help. By doing so and acknowledging you have a problem, you've taken the first steps in treating it.

Positive thoughts and prayers

02-09-13, 20:37
:hugs:sending you hugs :hugs:its good your going to get help

worried 101
02-09-13, 22:47
Thankyou for all your support.hopefully hitting rock bottom is going to be the turn around.x

03-09-13, 20:53
How did it go?

04-09-13, 07:56
Try playing chill out music off youtube, or any music that you can associate good memories from, my escapism is listening to music as it lifts the soul - even if it's just for 30 mins, it's a break.

worried 101
04-09-13, 10:34
well the nurses turned up and i was honest, that alot of the time i feel like i cant see a way out and that i want to hurt myself and if left alone then pretty sure that i would do so and thoughts of suicide(which i dont want to do)were becoming more often and sometimes felt like the only option.
i told them about the voice i my head that tells me horrible things about my relationship, like 'you dont love him anymore' and things like that which literally break my heart as they feel so real, even though my partner has been amazing during this whole experince, which in turn makes the voice try and become more and more heard saying these horrible things.
They went away for a little while and then came back, they asked us to think about wether we thought hospitalization was a good idea or other forms of care they can give.
When they did come back in they agreed that proviidng homecare would be best as all parties agreed that me being in a hospital probably wouldnt do me any good and was more likely to scare me quite a bit.
So now i have someone checking up on me once a day for starters to see how im getting on and will be getting new meds.
Still cant be left alone i the house so my boyfriend,mum and friends take it in turns to be with me.Sometimes i think i would be fine to be left alone but then the bad thought come in my head and i realise maybe i shouldnt.

04-09-13, 10:53
This may sound a bit out there, but I'm sure Shakey1961 who responded above would agree with me, but have you ever tried cutting wheat and sugar out of your diet? I have just been through a really rough time with awful voices in my head telling me I was dying of cancer. I couldn't sleep, had chronic fatigue, severe depression and anxiety and I hit absolute rock bottom too. I decided that there had to be something I could do about it and researched like crazy and discovered that diet can have a huge effect on the way you feel adn that a lot of people have a wheat intolerance and that sugar will feed bad bacteria in your gut that can literally make you feel like you're going crazy. I'm only saying this because I have found a change of diet has helped me immensely - like I'm still amazed at just how much better I feel, from where I was a few months ago.

04-09-13, 15:07
Hi Worried,

I think at the moment you are going through a crisis and it is great that you have family and friends to support you along with the Crisis Team.
I have been in you situation, as have many on NMP. I may seem like there is no light at the end of the tunnel at the moment but i promise you it will get better.
Dont make any drastic changes to your diet at the moment as you need energy to keep your body and brain strong.

Hang in there!!


worried 101
04-09-13, 17:40
thanks for the messages.
i may look into my diet but atm i can barely eat much.have lost pretty much a stone in like 3 weeks. appetite is starting to come back v slowly but its really a case of eating what i can stomach.
They have given me 2 new meds to try which do seem to be relaxing me a bit more which is good but feel my worst in the morning.its sorta like everything hits me again. Thats when i feel im not rational and cant deal with anything.

04-09-13, 18:21
Hi I was really bad several months ago like yourself ,but believe me you wil get better it has taken a while but I am starting to get back to my normal self and it will happen to you as well just take a day at a time best of luck xx

04-09-13, 22:00
Sorry to hear you're going through such a tough time at the moment. :hugs: I'm glad you've been able to get the support you need. Mornings are always the worst when I'm anxious and I tend to feel most relaxed in the evenings. Hopefully the new meds will help.

05-09-13, 07:34
Hi. Yes I agree with what Lilharry has to say. Change your diet.

If you have candida you will need these


It's all natural stuff. Take one a day, they work. You should get some relief, but if it comes back later take another one. I sometimes get a burning feeling under my skin and my heart thumps and pounds away in my chest - all the symptoms of Candida I'm lead to believe. 1 hour after I take a garlic capsule I cool down and my heart goes back to normal.

By accident I discovered I have coeliac disease / gluten sensitivity. After a bout of acute diarrhoea I visited my GP and suggested it might be the eggs in the cake I had made. He told me it was unlikely, but to try cutting out the wheat.

It was a revelation!

Within days I felt calmer, my head was clearer and I felt wonderful. I still do, but I'm not going to lie, I do have my off days, but these are few and far between, usually if I've eaten something with gluten in.

Ask for a coeliac disease test. If the docs won't do it then start yourself on a gluten free diet. You need to keep off wheat, barley and rye.


One of the main symptoms I had was drops in my blood sugar (Hypoglycaemia). These started from age of 16. I'm now 51! Going on a gluten free diet has virtually wiped these out. When I now get a hypo, it's much less severe.

From very early on when I started to feel anxious I always had a feeling that "something was doing this to me" and it wasn't all in the mind. I've been proved correct!

Try the gluten free diet, it won't harm you, if it doesn't work then you've not lost anything, you've not gone backwards. If it does help then WOW!! You won't feel better immediately it could take a few days, but give the diet a month and see how you feel. I started to feel better after about 3-5 days.

You will find a great selection of Gluten free food in the "Free From" Aisle in Tesco's. Also look for Gluten free stuff in the frozen cabinets. Amy's Kitchen do a very very tasty vegetable lasagne.

Read the packaging notes on everything. By law, if it contains gluten it has to be listed under the "Allergy Advice" section. it will say "Contains Gluten." Read everything at first. It'll be a pain but you'll get to know what you can and can't eat. Fresh Veg, meat and fish are all safe. Be careful with frozen chips as some have a coating which can contain flour. As an example of being too confident I used to buy sliced packaged beef and by chance I was reading the back one day and it said "Contains Gluten". I was so surprised that this processed meat would have it in, but I learnt that you can't take anything for granted. Gravy mixes are a no-no as is usually tinned meat in a gravy and soups. On the other hand, I had assumed the Tesco "Finest" fish pie would have flour in it, but surprisingly it doesn't, so I've added rather than removed a food I can eat. Like I say, read everything.

It does however cost a bit more to buy, but what price your health.

I used to have anxious feelings a lot, whether at home or while out. Since going on the gluten free diet almost 2 years ago, I think I've had two little panic attacks in all that time, and they were within five minutes, one after the other, one morning. I hardly get a twinge of anxiety now.

I would say I'm cured!

Sorry for the long post, but it's something I feel very passionately about. I feel gluten is implicated in a lot of illness especially with anxiety and depression.

You said you had voices - that does not in any way mean you have schizophrenia, but it's one of the symptoms. Just looked this up on google. An article written in June this year.


Very interesting don't you think!!!

Quote I've found from this article...

"Just a Problem for Schizophrenics? There Is One Surefire Way to Find Out...

A broader question is also raised by this research. Since anti-gliadin antibodies are found in approximately 27 percent of the population, and as high as 57 percent in those suffering from neurological dysfunction of unknown causes, is it then possible that gluten-containing grains are adversely affecting the mental health of the world at large, perhaps mostly on a subclinical basis?"

---------- Post added at 04:25 ---------- Previous post was at 04:06 ----------

And another VERY GOOD article on the subject!!


---------- Post added at 07:34 ---------- Previous post was at 04:25 ----------

Also as an example, I've been feeling not too well recently, and upon waking up and lying in bed I felt rough, trembling and generally UGH!! Got up took a garlic capsule and 30 mins later I'm starting to come round.

May have a bit of a fight on my hands for a few days, but I know what it is, which is half the battle.

worried 101
06-09-13, 22:57
hey everyone.
thanks again for the support given through this time.the new meds i have been given have defintly helped to calm me so at least that is a start.
Thank you shakey for your detailed reply and i will definitely look in to this as you are not the first to suggest that there is a link between gluten and anxiety. Thanks also for the pages you have linked as they have been really helpful and an interesting read.
The voices I have are definitely not schizophrenic as it is coming from my own head aand not from outside of it. Which is a relief!
Thanks again for the wonderful advice and I will let you know how I get on with looking into the gluten free thing a bit more.