View Full Version : Really don't know what to think anymore

02-09-13, 18:23
So long story short I have been fearing lymphoma and been given the all clear by a specialist haematologist and then the ENT today.

I had blood tests done by the haematologist 6 weeks ago. They covered specific lymphoma markers, liver, kidneys, full blood count, iron levels and all the usual things. Also markers for auto immune diseases. At this appointment I also had an examination down by the doctor who said no abnormal swollen glands.

Had a follow up last week and was told bloods are 'perfect and indicate I am very healthy'. Exam same as last time, nothing to feel.

ENT today examined tonsils and neck said normal. Also said no swollen nodes. I asked about ones under chin and he felt again and said they are node lymph nodes, they are just saliva glands.

Great news! Except why am I still having symptoms?!

Neck pain and I am sure of I press really hard I can feel nodes on my neck
Feeling as if I am getting a virus every few weeks
Sweating at night
Groin node (doctors say caused by repeat abscesses)
Just generally feeling like crap

I know I need to accept there is nothing sinister but can't understand how I can feel so rubbish and there be nothing wrong.

02-09-13, 18:32
Oh god I feel for you so much. I am going through exactly the same thing but different symptoms. I cant understand how I feel so physically bad if there is nothing wrong. I really hope that you manage to finally accept that youre fit and well and if you find the answer would you let me know. Take care xx

02-09-13, 18:34
Most of your symptoms are symptoms of anxiety. Be reassured by your results and try to accept that you are fine and well.