View Full Version : arm, neck and shoulder pain

02-09-13, 19:15
Hi, I have been having left arm, shoulder and neck pain. It started approx 5 weeks ago and I went to see my GP and he gave me anti inflammatorys. The tablets haven't helped and now I am really worried as I googled and came up with the worst possible as usual. It hurts in my upper arm when I move. It also feels very tender across the whole area and occassionaly my skin gets really warm.

Any experienced similar?

Mr m anxious
03-09-13, 17:17
Dont worry and don't Google, your aches are down to anxiety, ive had this for months. Your muscles are tense and your burning skin sensations are irritated nerves because of your tense muscles. Learn to relax or you'll end up having to have acupuncture like me.

03-09-13, 18:00
It is muscle tension. I have the same and have been for Physiotherapy this morning as it is so bad.