View Full Version : No children - have I put myself at risk?

23-10-06, 09:14
I'm 39 and have no children. This is by choice. Now I know I shouldnt google things and I'm really trying hard not to, but I read that I'm at a greater risk of developing ovarian cancer because I've not had children. Is this true?

I sometimes wish I didn't have access to a computer

23-10-06, 09:19
Hi Jenny,

I've had this very argument with my older sister in the past. She is 40 and has no children and it got to her so much she went to the doctor who laughed in her face and told her that it was her sister who was mad lol(meaning me). Please try not to google I've been there and know the damage it does hun to us health anxiety sufferers.

Take Care


23-10-06, 10:14

My friend's sister is in her thirties and was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer last year. She is now on the road to recovery. She has four children.

Try not to dwell on it. xx

23-10-06, 13:44
hi Jenny Im 39 and have no children.I have a hormone problem and my gp has not once said Im at risk to ovarian cancer.Its like any cancer some people get it some dont.Please dont worry,and please please dont google,its bad news pet.

Ellen XX

23-10-06, 16:18
hi jenny, try not to worry about it, there are so many factors involved that there's no point focussing on just one of them. There are some things you can do to keep yourself healthy (eat well, exercise etc.) but theres so many things you cant do anything about i think a lot of it is really down to luck. You always hear about people who drink whisky and smoke 60 a day that live to 100, and other people who do none of these things and still get ill. Having children is not a guarantee that you won't get ovarian cancer, just one small factor in a whole list of others. Have you ever thought that you havent put your body through the strain of pregnancy and childbirth? - it's all swings and roundabouts really.

take care

23-10-06, 18:54
Hi Jenny

googling it is some of our worst enemies! I wouldnt believe everythingg you read, there are soooooo many sites where basically there bollox! excuse my french!! What you need to try to remember is alot of theses are peoples theories!! theories are peoples thoughts and opinions not the truth, yes they may base them on reputable facts but they then twist them to there way of thinking!! So what you may of read was someones theory(opinion) not necisarally the truth

I hope that makes sense, Ive just been doing it at uni so i hope I have explained it ok. I

24-10-06, 11:50
thank you for your replies and assurances. I'm feeling better now.

I must stop googling symptoms. I've put myself through some unnecessary tests this year because of it [V]

24-10-06, 18:06
With you on this one Jenny, it's like an addiction. Just one more google, I can stop at any time....... as he puts another sympton in!