View Full Version : Heart rate/feeling changes

02-09-13, 20:01
When I initially started worrying about my heart and chest pains I got into the habit of putting my hand over my heart area and checking my heart rate. It was almost always in the range of 72-80 BPM. When I went into the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack it was around 88 and when I had a panic attack there it went up to 130. Also the feeling I would always get when I had my hand there I would feel a very strong beat. When it would feel like my heart was beating in my temples and throat the beat was extremely strong too.

Yesterday night however when I went to bed I felt it for some reason and it was around 56 and didn't feel nearly as strong. Now I realize that the 'feeling' of your heart is hardly a scientific method of determining anything but it seemed that was really low to me. The other thing that had me really worried was I couldn't seem to get warm in bed even with extra blankets on and throughout the day plus a bit the night before I had been feeling dizzy spells come on randomly.

Now I don't know what is normal.. was the 'strong' feeling heartbeat and faster pulse an abnormal sign of anxiety and this new slower rate and 'weaker' feeling actually normal for me? Just another new thing to worry about :/

02-09-13, 20:19
I'm sure the stronger is due to more adrenaline such as from anxiety and the weaker is when your body is relaxed. Mine is always strong except when I wake up during the night then it's nice and calm.

02-09-13, 20:22
I completely understand how you feel! When I first started having attacks, my heart was pounding and racing all the time which had me scared out of my mind. Finally my heart started going much slower and softer and I'd be convinced I was going to faint! My poor heart can't do anything right according to my brain. :wacko:

02-09-13, 20:43
hi Edmonton. My average resting HR is 55-56 bpm... its normal. Adrenaline makes it beater harder and faster.


02-09-13, 21:35
I get this right now. Thankfully the palpitations are less noticeable since i started taking these vitamin tablets that i think helped with that. But today i had a near panic attack and im in a fairly agitated state as we speak. Plus i felt light headed when standing up this evening (i have had this loads of times before however). I know how unpleasant it is and i do the same too with my hand.

02-09-13, 21:51
A normal heart rate can be anywhere between 50 - 100 bpm.
130Bpm during a panic attack is not so bad. Mine went up to 180 bpm at one time as I was having a panic attack.

I'm guessing you've had all the tests done and been told that your heart is fine. The problem is most likely your obsession over your heart.

I used to be exactly like what you describe just a few months ago.

Wish you the best of luck and hope you'll feel better soon.