View Full Version : Anxiety attack out of nowhere after worrying about health

02-09-13, 20:40
I post almost every day in the health anxiety boards, i have become so desperate for comfort i just can't help myself. Today i had a pretty bad near panic attack after i was worried over these vibration sensations in my chest (they have stopped now, this was after going to the gym). I was sitting at my desk with nothing to do until i felt a noticable sensation in my chest, radiating from my upper abdomen and could feel it all over my chest. It was a familiar sensation, i get it whenever i am in a very scared mode...but it just came out of nowhere and thought i was having a damn heart attack. I ran to my mother and she calmed me down, the sensation went within 10 seconds or so. Didn't experience any heart palpitations or breathing issues during this.

How common is it for attacks like this to occur with no real reason or build up apart from being stressed a few minutes prior (but i calmed down somewhat at this point). I just feel so stressed and sad because no one ever makes me feel comfortable and i always feel like there is something poking into my back (metaphorically) every waking moment due to my stress!