View Full Version : Weird sensation stopping me sleeping

02-09-13, 21:37
Every Dr I have spoken to has looked baffled and basically shrugged their shoulders and gone "no idea".
Most nights as I start to fall asleep I get a sensation as if I have dropped through the bed. Absolutely no phsycal movement involved it purely in my head feeling so its not the hypnic jerks that we all get occasionally where your whole body jerks. Most nights I get this sensation 2-3 times and then I fall asleep but I go through times where I literally can't sleep as they keep happening all night long.
I have had this with long gaps inbetween for past 10 years.
One Dr thought it was a variation of sleep disorder hypnic jerks and another said it sounded like anxiety.
I do find that if I get a symptoms for example last night I woke up at 3am and turned over and got really bad vertigo that lasted about 20 mins and I had huge adrenalin surge and panic then these sensation kick in big time and can last for a few nights.
I just wondered if anyone else on here has anything like this??
No bodily movement at all just like your head has fallen down a liftshaft for a second just at the point where you are drifting off to sleep.

02-09-13, 23:36
I know exactly what you mean! I've had that sensation. Although for me it's only happened once in a while, not on a regular basis. It's not nice though. I think I've had it happen more often during a daytime nap. As opposed to at nighttime. Like when I've been really exhausted and put myself to bed in the afternoon. So maybe its the extreme tiredness?