View Full Version : Medications for HA.

02-09-13, 21:45
Hi all, following a heakth scare last year u started on 10mg of citalopram. I was on this for only 4 months when I made the decision to come off.
I don't think it made much difference.

I wondered if any one takes any medication PRN when their anxiety is really high. If so, what do u have and do you find it successful?
I also wondered if anyone takes anything herbal that helps?

02-09-13, 22:14
propranol helps me

harrys mummy
03-09-13, 07:50
Hi, ive been taking paroxitine for years for general anxiety but I also take a slow release propanolo to help with panic attacks

It really does help I havent had a full blown panic attack in the 4 years ive been taking it, if im really worried or scarred I still get worked up but so far so good xx

03-09-13, 08:01
Hello there I don't take any medication I'm too scared of any medication so I just take rescue remedies I more or less live on them luckily they work for me well they make me feel better , wish you well x

03-09-13, 08:24
Hey Harry's mummy
I'm a paroxetine gal too. How long you been on it? 7years for me. I generally find its worked well. Still get the odd blip out of the blue though. Not feeling so good at moment but I know it will pass. How you feeling today?

03-09-13, 09:11
I take Propranolol and am now on Paroxetine.
Did those taking Paroxetine gain weight from it? It's one of my biggest fears right now.

03-09-13, 17:03
Well I take, Mirtazipine, Diazapam and Risperidone, which just about keeps it in check - well lets say its worked for the last 7 days - so fingers crossed, but that combination is something that a GP cannot give out, so you have to get yourself in the "system". Your GP is the gate keeper, so just be honest and up front with them and they will then do the best thing for you.

03-09-13, 21:10
Thanks guys. Are those tablets all 'as and when needed' or do u take them daily regardless how u feel?x

03-09-13, 21:13
I take mine daily regardless.