View Full Version : worried stomach aches and pains

02-09-13, 22:26
Hi was after some advice at the moment I have what seems like permanent stomach aches and pains which is really worrying me its like a burning and sharpish pains all over but alot very low down on right side, I have ibs and want to put it down to that as I do go through times when I get the aches then I will not get them for a while, I had a scan about month and a half ago and all fine had bloods recent and apart from low ferritin all ok, I did have a uti recent but took antibiotics I went to walk in centre about a week ago as I was worried and she said ibs and when you get anxious the stomach is the first to suffer and when you worry the pains are worse which is all right but I just can't get it out my head that there is something really wrong please if anyone can offer any advice it would be very helpful thanks xx

03-09-13, 00:27
Hi Toria am the same but been have weird pain right up under left rib downwards/ around left hip n just near navel getting me really anxious wondering what it is?? I did find out 2 weeks ago had BV (bacterial vaginaisos ) but used a week of anti biotic cream so don't no ifs related to that or my ibs or what but also feelin crappy

03-09-13, 09:52
Hi thanks for reply I have had bv before a few times and was given antibiotics for it, you sound like me very anxious about the pains so it makes them worse well that is what I try to tell myself but it is so hard to convince myself that there is nothing wrong I keep thinking there must be because you can't have these pains that often without something being really wrong, I hate ha its driving me crazy at the moment x

*Fallen Angel*
03-09-13, 11:56
I am plagued with pretty much the same so you have my sympathies. Some days my stomach is so bloated and sore. I am waiting for a pelvic ultrasound but my dr doesn't think it's urgent So got to wait. I'm going back to go next week as pain and bloating getting worse, but so is my anxiety.

03-09-13, 16:18
Toria am emethophic (fear of vomiting) so anything going on in my stomach I over think and panic