View Full Version : Actually beginning to think the world isn't real

03-09-13, 01:21
Anyone get this? I've been thinking about what I'm going through for so long I'm actually starting to think this. It feels like my mind isn't connected to my body, as if someone else is controlling it. And nobody seems to mention that I seem out of sorts yet my brain knows it is, yet my body doesn't respond. Am I going mad, is the world fake, or is this just the weirdest anxiety symptoms ever?

03-09-13, 05:30
This is actually quite a common anxiety symptom. You aren't going mad, and the world is not fake. It just feels like it sometimes. There's even a name for it :) It's something called derealisation/depersonalisation.

03-09-13, 21:47
I soooo know how you feel. I know I've spoken to you in another post, but I suffer from DP/DR all day every day. To makes matters much worse, I had my mobile stolen out of my hand yesterday and I still am having trouble processing it. It doesn't feel real, I don't understand how it could've happened. I keep thinking "Am I making this up? Did that really happen?" and playing it over and over again in my head. Now I feel like I'm well and truly never going to recover because it was so traumatizing.