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View Full Version : Help reaction to seroxat or is it me

23-10-06, 11:46
Just wondering if someone can help. I suffer from anxiety, panic attacks and depression. Started taking seroxat 3 days ago, have had it years ago but can't remember feeling like this. VERY agitated, cant sit still, but can't do anything, feels like electricity running through my brain, can't stand noise, feel sick and dizzy, have cut the tabs down today from 20mg to 10mg but still feel like this, is this the meds or is it me heading for a complete breakdown. Can any one help?


23-10-06, 12:34
Thanks Lucy,
Its nice to hear that I am not going completely mad and it might just be the meds.:)


23-10-06, 16:16
Sounds to me like it could be the meds as well. I started on Seroxat but had to give them up, because I had similar symptoms to yours. Also it felt like my whole body was on fire.
A brisk walk would usually calm it down for a while.

"You can't yell loud enough to make me shut up."

23-10-06, 21:43
Hi Jane

I was given seroxat and ended up in A & E. Almost passed out, heart beat was 120 plus, sweating etc. That happened from almost the first tablet. Now on Prozac which still gave me side effects but better than seroxat and now they've kicked in I'm OK.


24-10-06, 15:18
Hi Jane

I'm on seroxat too and I'm always interested to read posts about it. There are so many scare stories, and reading the side effects in the leaflet you get with tablets is a bad idea!

I did feel worse for the first few days, dizzy and strange. But thats because our brains aren't working like they should and need some help. So the tablets will affect our heads until we get used to them. Try to stick with the dose, its your body adjusting. If you don't feel better in a few days contact your doctor again. There are many different options, there may be something which suits you better if this does not.


24-10-06, 15:23
Thanks for your replies I'll stick with it and see if I feel better in a few days.


24-10-06, 22:32
Hi Jane, I like yourself have been on Seroxat. The first week was awful and almost stopped taking them on day 4 until the doctors told me it was normal and to stick with them. I am glad I did. Once the side effects cleared I felt great on them. The 20mg was just too strong and made me feel really tired, so I was advised to snap them in half to 10mg, as they don't actually make a 10mg dose. This dose was much better and made me feel loads better. After 4 months I felt great, so decided to come off them. Wish I hadn't, now I have started to feel bad again and am considering returning back to the doctors for another course.

Just stick with them, I am sure you will see a great result.

24-10-06, 23:58
I have already made a comment somewhere else on here about meds! I had a bad reaction to soroxat after 2 days and stopped them. Do we really need to be medicated in order to overcome our issues? Doesn't this just cause a crutch for us to lean on. and on? I think it's wrong that we live in an over prescribed nation. shouldn't the focus be on getting to the route cause instead of potentially giving vulnerable people another issue to worry about - addiction. Aren't we more vulnerable to becoming reliant on these drugs - especially when so many of us already have such a small amount of self belief.
I want to work through this wihtout meds - is that possible?


26-10-06, 17:13
Sometimes we can do this without meds. But other times we need some help. Its like other illnesses. We wouldn't mind taking medication if it was any other illness and could help us on the way to recovery.

There is also work to do ourselves in taking good care of ourselves, but sometimes meds can help us start our journey to better health. If you broke your leg you wouldn't mind having a plaster cast and crutch, then doing exercises for strength.:) Its like what I'm doing now... meds to help me, and exercises to help me regain mental strength! To learn with those baby steps that I CAN do things...

I'm sticking with my seroxat for now. Fingers crossed. [8D]


29-10-06, 19:28
Hey Lisa! :D
I think its good that you have found a route that works for you and I totally get your analorgy of the broken leg senario.
I guess I am someone who attempts to live life without the aid of traditional medicine and focus on natural remedies and things that I can do to ease whatever sypmtoms I am experiencing. The thing with the meds that we get prescribed is that intially some of them can be detrimental to us and actually worsen your attacks, symptoms. Or they can cause other issues such as withdrawal and medical and psychological addiction. I guess if I broke me leg and the doc said;look you can have your leg in a cast but it will intially cause you more pain, also the particular cast that we use may not be suitable, and furthermore, when it comes to taking the cast off you may not be able to walk unaided for a long time or even feel that your leg has mended. Its all down to the individaul - meds are prescribed willy nilly that is my concern and frustration.....I don't want to feel that just because I am not taking meds means that my recovery will be hindered. If what I am experiencing is psychological than surely common sense strategies and understanding is all part of my success?
Thanks for your comment it is good to thrash these concerns around Good luck on your journey :D:D
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Sometimes we can do this without meds. But other times we need some help. Its like other illnesses. We wouldn't mind taking medication if it was any other illness and could help us on the way to recovery.

There is also work to do ourselves in taking good care of ourselves, but sometimes meds can help us start our journey to better health. If you broke your leg you wouldn't mind having a plaster cast and crutch, then doing exercises for strength.:) Its like what I'm doing now... meds to help me, and exercises to help me regain mental strength! To learn with those baby steps that I CAN do things...

I'm sticking with my seroxat for now. Fingers crossed. [8D]


<div align="right">Originally posted by Insomniac - 26 October 2006 : 17:13:18</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">


29-10-06, 20:14
Hey Spirit

Thanks for your reply! :) And for your good wishes for my journey. I do agree that some doctors can reach for a pills as a first resort and its not always the best thing. We must all do what works best for us personally. I tried St John's Wort for over a year. And it worked well for that time. My hubby said I was a different person.

But this year has been far worse and it wasn't making any difference any more. So I'm trying this way now. Apart from feeling tired I don't mind so long as I can live without the perpetual fear that was taking over my life. I am booked for counselling but need to survive in the meantime... until I have retrained my brain [8D]


28-07-07, 22:10
These are the very questions I seek to find an answer. I believe the side effects of the medications can cause the very symptoms we are trying to alleviate?

As Jane says "seroxat or is it me" I have a thread wanting to know is it Cipralex or is it me" http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=21664

I guess we will never know and we (and the Doctors) just have to take medications more sensibly. I remember seeing a psychiatrist once who prescribed me Cipralex (1x10mg tab a day). I went back to see him 8 months later and on telling him I did not feel any better he replied: "Well take two then".
I am afraid I do not have a great deal of faith in doctors at the min.

28-07-07, 23:05
Hi there Mr Blobby, sorry to hear you're having a bad time. Doctors are human too I guess and they haven't all got the bedside or surgery-side(?)manner we would like! Some of them just aren't helpful at all.

I have been lucky with mine, she's been full of useful, sensible advice, not all about meds either, and really listens. I have also had counselling which helps me with the long term issue of anxiety, but the meds help me stay in control of the symtoms in the meantime.

I was on 10mg at first, gradually increased to 30mg. I tried self-help, then herbal remedies, st john's wort etc, which really did help for a while. But unfortunately my life-situation got worse and the anxiety got the better of me. It was a case of needing some help to survive so that my family and I don't suffer more than necessary.

I felt a bit of a failure for a while for needing meds, having avoided them and been off anti-depressants for 4 years, I really didn't want to take anything. But I have managed to stop giving myself a hard time for taking meds, and they certainly make it easier to stay on top of symtoms. The symptoms don't go away totally, but they don't take over now either, so thats a big improvement. The more I pratice being in control with the meds, the more I feel I will cope when I can come off them.

I said to doc that I wanted to stop the anxiety not just take a pill for when I feel bad. And the counselling definitely helped with that. :yesyes:

28-07-07, 23:06
But I certainly couldn't do it without NMP!!

:flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

25-04-08, 05:50
Hi there i was on seroxat paraxotine 13 years ago i was only on them 2 days and that was enough i never slept in 2 days at all and could hardly swallow with nerves me personally WOULD NOT recommened this medication to anyone the side effects were horrific and thats why i have severe panic and anxiety to this day i know that does not happen to everyone but i was only 21 years oldand feeling a bit down after having my son i would give my right arm to just feeling a bit low again to what i experienced am sorry dont want to scare anyone but please be careful i dont want anyone to go through what i did

25-04-08, 15:23
I took Seroxat on/off for a large part of my life until I decided to use natural remedies. I found that when starting Seroxat any feelings of anxiety etc are increased for a short time until the medication kicks in fully. It explains this on the information leaflet. It doesnt happen to everyone who takes it but for some. I found that by chopping the tablets in half to 10mg and then to 5mg and taking from a min of 5 mg to 20 mg each day depending on how I was feeling worked. Somedays I just took 5mg and that suited me.This is the way I weaned myself off them too. The reason I stopped was because I cldnt stand the side effects that I suffered, dry mouth, nausea and constantly tired and yawing plus the sweating too, however that was just in my case and I do know people who use Seroxat and have done for years, where it has really helped them and without any side effects.
Hope this helps

03-08-08, 13:35
i to am on 20mg on seroxat been on it three days and i keep feeling really hot light headed giddy as if going to pass out and feel really sick cant be bothered to do anything really got to push myself i have been taking over my own breathing as well which is causing me to hyperventilate and like you cant decide wether to carry on or stop them advise welcome please thank you