View Full Version : Latest worry - sorry

03-09-13, 09:18
So this is probably going to sound really stupid but its bugging me. The last few days Ive noticed that just as Im about to fall asleep I notice that my mouth is wide open, I close it again but the same thing happens over and over again. Also when I make up many times through the night, Im always biting on my tongue. Last night, when I woke up it was the same and when I pulled my tongue back in it just went back to between my teeth again. Anyone else had either of these strange actions? Its just so weird and I wondered why its happening. I did say it sounded stupid and Im embarassed to post it but at the moment every little thing is bothering me.

I am now totally obssessed with the weight loss. I keep checking in the mirror and every time I notice another bone sticking out. Im really trying to eat as much as I can but its not making any difference.

Not sure how much longer I can stand this, Im convincing myself that Im going mad and its very scarey.

03-09-13, 13:01
"The last few days I've noticed that just as I'm about to fall asleep I notice that my mouth is wide open, I close it again but the same thing happens over and over again. Also when I make up many times through the night, I'm always biting on my tongue. Last night, when I woke up it was the same and when I pulled my tongue back in it just went back to between my teeth again."

Ohhh, that was you I heard snoring! ;) (and you're right, that is pretty silly ~lol~) Billions of people breath through their mouths when they sleep. Billions of people's tongues relax when they fall asleep and rest on their teeth. I could see why it might be annoying from the "dry mouth" perspective but it's perfectly normal. If it's bothering you, try using those nose breathing strips to help you breath. They work great for me!

If you're taking in less calories than your body is using, then you will lose weight. It's simple math. Supplement your diet with a nutritional drink like Ensure or Boost. They pack 250-350 calories along with vitamins and minerals into 8oz. After my cancer treatment, I was unable to eat solid foods for quite some time. Those drinks helped me to maintain my weight. I still drink 2-3 a day in addition to solid foods. It's a quick and easy calorie booster.

03-09-13, 13:17
No that wasnt me snoring :) I know it was a really stupid post but as you probably realise by now I worry about anything and everything. Makes me feel pretty bad actually as youve actually been through the thing that panics me the most.

As far as the weight thing goes, I dont think Ive explained it very well. Im definitely eating more, even though appetite not good I literally force myself to eat and Im not doing anything really to burn the calories off unless I can make myself believe what someone said in that the high state of anxiety Im constantly in is burning the calories. I went into a chemist today and asked about the Ensure drinks and was told that you have to get them through your doctor. I presumed you could buy them over the counter. Will have to wait for my next appointment and ask about it then.

Thank you for taking the time to reply. I notice that you reply to lots of posts and good on you for trying to help others. Dont think Ive seen any posts from you asking for support for yourself. I guess some of us are a lot stronger than others.

03-09-13, 15:47
"I notice that you reply to lots of posts and good on you for trying to help others. Don't think I've seen any posts from you asking for support for yourself. I guess some of us are a lot stronger than others."

Hi Hadenough,

I haven't asked for support because I don't suffer from any of the issues described here on this site. I came to learn more about HA as there have been several posters presenting with HA at the cancer sites I participate in. Their posts could have been taken off these pages!

As I function in an admin capacity, I have to respond properly to these posts. The response can range from sympathetic to informative to humorous to having to deliver a "cyber slap" upside the head. Here, as in there, there is only so much one can do to help.

That being said, I do have my moments of fear and concern, Having suffered two heart attacks, bypass surgery, stents and most recently head and neck cancer, there are times of "Scanxiety" when test time comes. With the cancer I had, I have a 50/50 chance of recurrence in the next 5 years and about the same survival chance. With two heart attacks at 54 years of age, chances are, one of those two issues will take me.
But I'm at peace. I truly am not consumed with the fear so many here suffer with. I live my life to the fullest and enjoy each and every wonderful moment :)

So... in the mean-time, if I can help a few others along the way? All the better.

May you find peace in your life. May you defeat the beast that is anxiety and learn to live your life without fear. SMILE! Life is too short to be worried about things you can't control (like sleeping with your mouth open ;))