View Full Version : Hellllllllooooooo

03-09-13, 09:31
Hi, I'm Janice, I am here because I have been feeling ill for so long now and my dr keeps telling me its all stress related, I am not entirely convinced, but my life has been incredibly stressful for the last 2 years. I still find it hard to believe that so many physical symptoms on top of my thyroid and asthma problems can be attributed to stress but as this is all I am ever told then I suppose I should accept it. I am so exhausted at being dismissed off and not helped in anyway that I just need some support....sorry to sound so negative

03-09-13, 16:04
Hi there I always find it hard to believe that anxiety or stress can cause all these physical symptoms. I feel like well if I didn't have all these symptoms I wouldn't be anxious lol Its a vicious circle x

03-09-13, 16:29
:welcome:to nmp