View Full Version : Feeling really anxious

03-09-13, 10:19
I had my cholesterol results back four months ago and it was high at 6.1 but my thyroid levels were low again. GP put me on a higher dose of meds for my thyroid and asked me to repeat the thyroid and chol test.

Well, I get my results back on Thursday and I am petrified. What if my chol has shot up to dangerous levels?

Will I have a heart attack? I will happily take statins but what if I don't have time?

---------- Post added at 10:19 ---------- Previous post was at 10:16 ----------

Oh last time he didn't want to put me on statins as I am only 32 and a good weight with great blood pressure.

But I have a feeling it has shot up to 10 plus or something.

03-09-13, 10:27
What if it hasn't gone up? Even if it has I am sure it will not have gone as high as 10. You will find out on Thursday and I am sure nothing will happen between now and then. 6.1 is not too high, if your doctor was concerned he would have given you statins.

03-09-13, 10:33
I don't know how quickly it can take for it to get really high. I just always think of the worst case scenario.

Last time he said my risk of heart attack was very very small due to my weight and blood pressure and lifestyle. But I keep thinking it has gone stupidly high. It does run in my family too.

I actually have an appointment tomorrow for female problems but wanted to talk to my normal GP about the cholesterol as he knows how anxious I get so I have to tell the GP tomorrow not to discuss the blood results as I have an appointment for that on Thursday. Mind you, I doubt she will have time to look at them.

03-09-13, 12:11
I've had two heart attacks. Bypass surgery and stents.

High cholesterol by itself, while a "contributing" cause of cardio vascular disease, cannot actually "cause" a heart attack. Plaque buildup in the arteries of the heart eventually can lead to cardio vascular disease and heart attack. The reason we feel pain in a heart attack is because the heart muscle is deprived of oxygen due to a blockage. This take years and years to build up to that point and doesn't happen because your cholesterol levels are up a bit. I had "hypercholesterolism" which was hereditary and caused my cholesterol and triglycerides to be unusually high. I've been on statins for close to 15 years. Even at that, the high readings in and of themselves did not cause my heart attacks. Poor eating habits and smoking along with luck of the draw with my inheritance were major factors. I was 47 with my 1st and 54 with my 2nd.

Like your doctor said, at your age and with your lifestyle etc., the chances of you having issues with your heart are slim to none. If you want to keep it that way, eat properly, don't smoke, get regular exercise and see your doctor as recommended.

03-09-13, 14:52
Thank you x

I have been feeling more tired that usual and dizzy when standing.

Heart disease?

03-09-13, 14:55
Most likely anxiety :)

03-09-13, 15:01
i have high cholesterol high blood pressure both of which i take meds for and i have type 2 diabetes and i dont really worry about any of them im 47 and been on meds a few years now your cholesterol wont have gone up that quick if at all and if it has gone up a bit you will be put on statins like me which will reduce it so dont worry x