View Full Version : How are you all feeling today?

03-09-13, 11:32
What a beautiful day in the UK today - how are you feeling? Enjoying the sunshine?

I have just returned from a lovely relaxing holiday abroad. A weird thing happened on the plane journey back - a woman a few rows in front of me had a panic attack which started shortly after we took off and didn't finish until we landed. I watched as the air hostesses rushed around fetching her water and attempting to calm her down, thinking that this was me a few years ago. Incidentally I have a virus at the moment, and I spent the whole flight with my heart skipping beats every few beats (viruses affect my palpitations for some reason). I thought to myself 'good job I don't have HA anymore as I don't think the air hostesses could have coped with 2 major panic attacks on one journey'. :)

Anyway, it's good to be back and just wanted to see how everyone was doing. If you're feeling down, just remember that health anxiety can be overcome and you can lead a normal life again.

03-09-13, 12:41
I hope mine goes soon if that's what it is, I'm getting more and more dizzy and more black floaters, it's driving me crazy of course everyone says its anxiety but I don't believe it I'm just waiting for my MS diagnosis :(
My mum wants me to go have CBT - doc app on Monday so I guess I'll ask :(