View Full Version : cant even get up today to go to work!

23-10-06, 12:04
hi, i am so shakey and weak this morning i couldnt even go to work, the moment i opened my eyes this morning this sensation of dread flooded in, started getting dizzy and stomach felt heavy, ikm on the sofa now trying to tell myself im not ill and its just anxiety and panic but i cant accept it and am falling to pieces. again!

23-10-06, 12:10
imthe same today hun ive got to be in work at 4 and the thought of it my stomache is in knots i no if i dont go in today im buggered i keep looking at the clock and its going to quick i also woke with this horrible feeling its so un fair isnt it well i hope you feel better soon and ill let you no if i manage to get there myself fingers crossed lol

t motown

23-10-06, 12:17
how long is your shift at work today? i know how hard it is, hate this.x

23-10-06, 12:33
Hi guys, I had the same problem on Saturday following my third sleepless night in a row, I was such an anxious wreck there was no way I could go to work. It's Monday now and I'm still off work and had to explain the gist of my problem to my boss who fortunately was reasonably understanding. Having a very wobbly morning at the moment!

23-10-06, 13:28
Sorry your feeling so bad today,Im having a crap day to.Try and spend the day relaxing pet.
Take care;)

Ellen XX

23-10-06, 14:25
saintdee, how are you feeling now?

23-10-06, 14:36
hi dee sorry you are feeling like this!it,s horrible isn,t it????i started ciprelex last week and have been feeling even more anxious since?(if thats possible!!!!lol)i woke up this morning and thought i wasn,t going to go,but i forced myself to(only because i,m a care assisstant and the thought of leaving my clients with no shopping or housework done would make me feel even more anxious!!!!!!)i hope you feel better now,just try to relax for the rest of the day.
have you got an understanding boss,who you could sit down and talk to about your anxiety?or maybe cut your hours down for a while?
just know that you are not alone,
take care
rachel x

23-10-06, 16:02
Hi Saint,

Sorry to hear you are having a bad day !Hope you are feeling better soon !Im sure it is anxiety that you have. try to stay positive! tomorrows another day.

Try to tell yourself if you can do things when you are feeling terrible, you can do things anyday !! Thats what i tell myself !



24-10-06, 09:25
hi saint i managed to go to work lastnight even thou it dragged it was sooooo horrible even one of the other girls commented that i was so quite and not looking myself well that made me even worse well ive been lying in bed and guess wot im going in today to hand my notice in i carnt do it anymore ill let you no how it goes p,s how r you feeling hope your feeling alot better let me no take care

t motown