View Full Version : is it me or my doctor?

03-09-13, 12:29
hi not sure wat to do anymore i moved a yr ago and had to change gps and at first he was ok but now because i go and see him a lot which i know i shouldn't but i cant seem to help it when im feeling the way i do but for the last 8wks my upper arms have been feeling tight and have a headache everyday ive been to see him 3 times about the symptoms and each time i go i ask him what the problem could be weather its just anxierty and all he says to me is well i should know ,but im not sure what he means by it and should i know if its just anxiety? he even doent look at me when im talking to me he just looks at his screen screen so now im too scared to go back and see him because i feel that because im labelled as a anxirty suffer and he he probly thinks im a hypochondriac and im just wasting his time. but these symtoms are worrying me and i just don't know weather is just me over reacting or what i should do should i change gps yet again or is is just me and just put up with these symtoms

03-09-13, 19:09
Can you try seeing another GP at the same practice? It would save the hassle of changing GPs again.

If a GP can't explain things to you in language you understand then they clearly have a bit of a problem. I had a GP who kept telling me, "you know what you need to do," but obviously I didn't because I went to him to ask his qualified medical advice. Some GPs are just a bit rubbish.

Even if your symptoms are all anxiety, your GP really should be helping you with it.

I hope you can get the support you need and deserve.

03-09-13, 20:05
hi thk edie for your advice there is another doctor there I can see but when I walk in to see him straight away he says and wats amatter with you now so I don't see him

03-09-13, 23:17
There are good doctors and bad doctors. Obviously, this doctor recognizes you're afflicted with anxiety but his bedside manner leaves much to be desired. Referring you to counselling would be the proper step to take.

Unfortunately, a medical doctor cannot treat things that physically aren't there. Yes, you have pain and you have symptoms. They're just not being caused by a physical ailment. I would definitely seek out another GP that knows how to deal with people better but I would also seek out an experienced therapist that has experience with anxiety disorders.

Good Luck!

04-09-13, 07:57
You need to see a head quack - asked to be referred by your GP.