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View Full Version : Feel like I am going to Collapse - Please reply

Female healthanxiety
03-09-13, 13:27

So I wrote this post yesterday:-

"Sorry if I am going on - I get months that I am OK, but this past year, I just can't shake this off!

I seem to be always feeling dizzy ;-(((( I have recently had a Full Blood Count and all came back normal, they even checked my vitamins, and all was fine ;-( - I know I shouldn’t sound ungrateful, but I feel worse as I believe if my DR told me I was still deficient in Vitamin D or something, I would put my symptoms down to that!!! Funny isn’t it.....

I have gone from a size 12 to a 14 within the year, and have not felt like exercising because of how I feel – I feel like it will be too much for my body and the constant dizziness will make me faint, so have been putting it off for the past year.

I have decided to eat healthy this week by incorporating fish, eggs etc, to see whether that will help – am at my wits end.

I know I am going through quite a stressful time at the moment – which is probably not helping – come 2.30pm every day I feel like I need to sleep and the dizziness gets worse.

I have PROMISED my friend I would try Zumba with her tonight, and guess what – my dizziness is playing havoc today – even typing this – my eyes feel heavy and I have this constant heavy head where I feel like I am going to faint – I know this is not all in my head, as I do not even think about it – I wake up with it, and I also notice this when I am having a drink and chilling out ;-(("
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TODAY – I feel like I have NO energy at all. I actually pulled myself together after 1 YEAR, and went to a Zumba class with my friend – I thoroughly enjoyed it, and seeing how much weight I had actually put on and how fat I was in the mirror, made me realise how big my weight had got (I was a 10/12 last year) and now a 12/14.

I got home about 10.00pm, and still had the dizziness however, this was not as prominent (although it always seems to be fully there) and I felt really tired (but not a sluggish tired) and had a really good nights sleep (even though I felt like I needed more when I got up).

I am now at work and feel soooooo dizzy from my tiredness – I treated myself to a chicken wrap from Mcdo***** and a small fries – but still feel the same. I also have a pain in the back of my head on the right and also my neck is very very tense today – my eyes feel so heavy - I actually feel like I have smoked something from the likes of Amsterdam.

I hate the thought of having to get up from my desk, for the fear of my head and the dizzines.

FYI - I am also having my monthlys at present.

I would be so grateful for any replies back – I am Online!!

Thank you for reading my post – sharing is caring!!


03-09-13, 13:34
I was once scared of my dizzy spells. A doctor told me to go in the garden and spin round until I got so dizzy I couldn't stand up.

I did this a few times and the fear of the dizziness went away. Then the dizziness went away.

03-09-13, 14:33
well done for going zumba I bet your pleased you done it ,I need to do something like that ,how did you feel when you were doing your zumba class ,was you dizzy that's what stops me going even tho my gp says I need to exercise, I no I should give it ago im dizzy aswell today :hugs:

Female healthanxiety
03-09-13, 14:37
Hi Skippy - Oh Lawd, I think I will pass on that - I think that will make my eyes and head go pop!!!! - Glad it worked for you however ;-)))))

Hello Mrs Stressed - How are you feeling? Yes I am very pleased, I braced myself - and as soon as i GOT INTO THE HALL IT WAS SO hot, EVEN my friend noticed! that made me feel a bit dizzy --- I drank plenty of water at work to make sure I did not overheat - but you know what............. as soon as the music started pumping - I thought jeeeeez I better move with the rest of them!

It helps when you position yourself at the back of the class!

I did feel a little dizzy BUT not as bad as it is during the day - it was bearable (and for me that's a first). after I finished, I had a neck full of sweat......

Are you from the UK? XX

03-09-13, 14:45
that gives me hope I think I will have to book a class soooooooo pleased you were ok .yes I live in uk in Cheshire you made me feel better about going now thankyou :D lol I would go to the the back anyway I carnt dance to save my life :D

Female healthanxiety
03-09-13, 15:02
YOU HAVE TO - EVERYDAY I promise myself.

Tonight after work I am going to try and go for a brisk long walk - so that my anxiety does not scare me off xx

why dont you do the same? x

03-09-13, 15:07
I no I should really I use to always take my dogs on long walks ,it do me good thanks xxxxxxxxxxx:D