View Full Version : Appetite Problems

03-09-13, 15:22
Anyone else struggle with their appetite due to their anxiety? It's a vicious cycle because when I can't eat I worry even more abou losing weight. I'm not exactly big as it is I weigh around 155lbs or 10 stone and I'm 5 10" I've already lost some weight due to my lack of appetite does anyone know anyway to overcome this and start eating more again and regaining an appetite?

03-09-13, 15:39
I have gone through cycles like this where you are not hungry and you think that it is a symptom. For me the only thing that works besides medication is exercise and getting enough sleep. Hope this helps.

03-09-13, 16:10
exercise is a good one but normally i dont feel like bothering when suffering anxiety.

dare i say it but when my anxiety is at its worst and the thought of food makes me feel sick, the only thing that helps is a glass of wine before a meal.

03-09-13, 17:20
I am the opposite to this I tend to binge eat. Maybe try meal replacement shakes?

03-09-13, 18:54
I've tried milkshakes but still don't feel like I'm getting enough calories etc. I know how you feel Darren I get the same, it's almost like I have to force myself to eat

03-09-13, 19:49
When anxiety hit me the first time I was about 13 stone but boxer lean. I still managed to lose 20lbs in the next 6 months though, I found some pictures of me at about 11 stone and I looked starved. I still wasn't hungry though.

It's worth keeping an eye on though, and maybe start keeping a diary to make sure your calorie intake isn't too low. It should be at least 2000 per day, preferably more if you have weight to put on.

05-09-13, 16:49
It's so tough forcing yourself to eat when you don't feel hungry and have no interest in food. It's really getting to me