View Full Version : Stabbing pain in chest

03-09-13, 15:47
Just been getting ready for the day, about to straighten my hair when I got these really sharp shooting pains deep in the left of my chest that lasted a few seconds. Has anyone else experienced this? After this happened I started to get dizzy and have missed heartbeats, so think I had a panic attack after it happened because I was so worried it could be an issue to do with my heart. Just wondering if anyone has had this type of pain and if its related to anxiety in anyway? It was soo painful!

03-09-13, 15:56

Yes we have loads of posts about these sort of pains. Lots of us get them from time to time.

03-09-13, 15:57
I to get this pain its scarey I no :hugs:

03-09-13, 16:01
Yeah super scary! Had been worrying for a few weeks about heart problems because I keep getting missed heartbeats every day, had just started to accept they were down to anxiety then I get this stabbing pain today, just can't seem to shake off the feeling there's something wrong with my heart. I've had an ecg and a chest xray before and they were fine but I keep thinking because I wasn't having palpitations at the time that theyve missed something! Hate this feeling!