View Full Version : help or advice needed please

23-10-06, 14:49
can anyone help or give me a bit of advice... since about march i have experienced discomfort im my rib cage,underarm and breast area. its mostly on the right although sometimes on the left. it got to the stage where i had convinced myself i had breast cancer. sometimes it feels like a tingling feeling round the breast and underarm area sometimes it feels like my ribs hurt,so much so i have cannot bare a bra on.
i did go to the doc's and he did me a full bone and c reactive protien blood tests. these check for any inflammations which include cancer but both came back normal.
then i got told it could be costrochondritis, but my gp didn;t say anything about that.
can Parethesia affect just one side more then the other? i know my anxiety has made it worse as the more i think about it the worse it is and the worse it is the more i convince myself its cancer. i do regular breast and underarm checks and haven't found any lumps... but even that dosn't convince me all is ok.
i also suffer acid reflux and someone also said trapped wind can cause pain in the underarm rib region. it mostly feels on the outerside near the armpit. its really getting me down now so much so i can feel the panic coming back full pelt, and i seemed to be doing so well.

the only time i don't think about it is if i keep myself active.

sorry to go on but someone else's input would be so helpful.


23-10-06, 15:10
The discomfort around the rib cage is probably wind, i get that a lot and it can be soooo painful i have to loosen my bra. The breast pain is the anxiety it seems the area we worry about plays up the most. Have faith in your doc!!

Take care love Matilda

23-10-06, 15:15
Hi agree with Matilda,Iv get bad wind and you wouldnt think it could be so painful,but it is.Also you get such horrid symptoms with anxiety.Im sure your gp knows best.
Take care pet.;)

Ellen XX

23-10-06, 18:57
Believe your doc, there more qualified than we are. Anxiety shows itself in many forms. Often traped wind does hurt, or maybe its a trapped nerve, I get it in my upperback, very painfull but harmless


23-10-06, 22:11
I have been getting terrible pain round my rib cage the last 2 weeks. My GP has given me some Ranitidine to help with the discomfort. I also had lots of blood test done recently all of which came back 'Normal'
I was begining to think I had peptic ulcers.

Jenny xxxxxxxxxx

24-10-06, 22:02
I get alot of trapped wind in my rib cage and surrounding areas. Hurts like hell, but clears with windeze etc.