View Full Version : Feel so physically unwell

03-09-13, 18:42
At the risk of getting thrown off the forum for too many threads I have to start another one.

HA and panic and depression are still really bad today but also I feel so physically unwell. I feel as weak as a kitten, have no appetite and feel nauseous. I want to cry but dont even have the energy for that. Am guessing these are side effects of the depression more than anything else but Ive suffered with it for so many years and have never felt this physically ill.

Im not saying Im going to (too much of a coward) but for the first time ever I can see why people get to a point where they just cant go on, cant see a way forward.

I so want to feel better as does everyone else on here but at the moment I cant see that happening any time soon. For the first time in my life I think I can say that I am truly desperate.

03-09-13, 18:54
I'm sorry to hear your in such a state, healthy anxiety and physical symptoms are all a terrible vicious circle. But you don't have to suffer alone, there are so many people on here you can talk to and even just vent how you feel.

I too am feeling very down at the moment, we all have moments of extreme low mood. But this Forum is here to help. Please try to stay strong x

03-09-13, 18:59
Same here. Vomited pretty bad this morning and i feel very sad. Im hoping in the coming weeks my mother will help me solve this depression i have.

03-09-13, 19:19
Thanks for replying. I just feel like Im actually losing the plot and Im out of my mind with worry. How can the mind make you feel this physically ill, I just dont get it.

03-09-13, 19:44
Our bodies react in so many ways to anxiety and stress it can make you feel so unwell. When I first started with anxiety I caused my whole body to ache and twitch all over constantly, I couldn't believe I could cause it at first. I was always looking for another answer and some serious illness. But it turned out to be just that.

Try to be strong, watch some tv, go for a walk anything to take your mind of things even if its just 10 minutes to break the circle. Easier said than done I know x

03-09-13, 20:05
I know what you mean about the aching etc, Im used to that and it doesnt bother me any more but this is different. Its like you know when you have a bout of flu or similar, you feel so weak you can hardly stand up, well its similar to that. Its so hard to explain but I had really bad flu once and this is much worse than that. I feel like my legs wont take my weight, like very muscle in my body is tired and I look exhausted, heavy eyes etc. I just want to curl up under a blanket which is what Ive done all afternoon. I did make myself go out for coffee with a friend this morning but couldnt wait to get home and just flaked out on the sofa exhausted.

I feel like somebody has taken over my body, like I have no control and thats what is so frightening.

03-09-13, 22:15
Are you sleeping properly? You sound really run down, are you also eating properly? All these things can have a huge impact on how your feeling. Or you could just really be comin down with a cold/virus there are so many going round these days but nothing to worry about.

I can totally understand about the loosing control part too, it can be really frightening. But take a deep breath and tell yourself you are still in control and you can break this cycle. It's good you got out of the house cos I can totally relate to that feeling of just wanting to be at home (your safe place). Try and make sure you leave the house each day even just for a short time it will help take your mind of things and all your symptoms.

Stay strong Hun x

03-09-13, 22:47
You honestly took the words right out of my month. I'm feeling the same way right now, like I'm at the end of my rope and can't go on like this anymore. I feel so horrible physically and mentally, can't take much more. It feels like it's never going to end. :(

04-09-13, 10:24
I've been through this recently also. It was the worst time in my life. Doctors told me it was "just anxiety" or post viral fatigue and there was nothing they could do. I wasn't convinced and did my own research and have found a change of diet and seeing a naturopath has done wonders for me. I discovered I had a systemic candida infection that was causing most of the symptoms, which I'm working on healing. Don't neccesarily believe it when the doctors tell you it's all in your head, do your own research and take control of your own health. I would still be sick if I'd listened to the multiple doctors and specialists who told me there was nothing they could do for me.

04-09-13, 12:11
Thanks all for the replies. Lilharry - problem is to do research will mean confronting my sworn enemy Dr Google which Im trying so hard not to do.

Female healthanxiety
04-09-13, 16:59
Hello Hadenough,

are you getting enough sleep? if you are, are you sleeping well?

04-09-13, 17:13
No not getting enough sleep, has been a problem for many years. GP has changed my AD to Mirtazepine as she says it is one that aids sleep but have been on it for 16 days now and not helping. I seem to get off to sleep ok probably due to the fact that Im utterly exhausted but wake up many times during the night and am always awake very early in the morning. Ive tried going to bed earlier and later but doesnt make any difference. At the moment Im going late as Ive come to dread waking up in the morning as, the minute I wake up, the panic sets in. GP has also given me a short course of propranalol and diazepam but they dont seem to do anything apart from leave me feeling like a zombie all day. Im going back to see her on Friday to see if she thinks I should continue with the Mirtazapine a bit longer or not. I could be imagining it but I feel like my anxiety has got much worse since being on this med.

Female healthanxiety
04-09-13, 17:23
Hello Hadenough,

BIG HUGS :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

I am not to sure about meds unfortunately, however, most of my friends are on them!

Diazepan would make you feel like that, because it is a short term drug that acts fast, so therefore, it's doing its job fine, it's just whether you like feeling like that!

Do you do any physical activities?


04-09-13, 17:43
I hate feeling like that which is why Ive only taken them when Ive absolutely had to, I struggle with not feeling in control and I see them as taking that away from me. I stopped taking the propranalol as well as they were making me feel so zombie like but have had to resort to taking them today as Ive been feeling so bad. I will admit that I dont get much exercise as such but Im not young and have so much going on at the moment that its all I can do to manage everything that needs doing. I do understand that exercise is supposed to help greatly with low moods and I really need to push myself to do more. The problem is Im having a lot of problems with my elderly mum (had a phone call from the call centre at 4.40 this morning to say she had fell again) and by the time Ive been round there and met her needs the little bit of energy I had has been sapped.

05-09-13, 08:54
Hadenough - it feels like I'm reading my own story when I read your posts! I get what you mean about Dr Google - not a great idea unless you know what to look for. I'm happy to let you know what has helped me if you're interested and none of it is scary stuff, it's mostly dietary. I can steer you in the direction of some helpful resources too if you're interested so you can bypass the stuff that will make you more anxious.