View Full Version : A bit about me

03-09-13, 18:49
I've suffered with panic attacks/anxiety for over 2 years now. I have highs and lows. At the moment I feel lower than I ever have done before. My extreme fear of dying or dropping dead at any moment is out of control. I was recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes which I think is the trigger for my extreme low. The problem I have is that I can't seem to dig myself out of this pit of despair. Everyone tells me I am fine but its so hard to believe. Lou.

03-09-13, 18:51
Hi Lou - and :welcome: to the forum! I saw your other thread... if you have a look through, this is a really common fear so nobody will think you are being silly, and you may find some helpful ideas.

Gill x

03-09-13, 20:04
Thanks so much.. I feel like an irrational beast at the moment so hoping this can help 😓

03-09-13, 22:59
Hi, I have times where i feel I have hit a low and it can take me several days just to motivate myself to do the simplest of things. When i First started having attacks i knew nothing, it came out of the blue and i thought I was having a heart attack, which actually turned out to be indigestion as well as panic. I went on for over a year before i Managed to get dragged to my GP to get help. So i hope that we can all find help regarding our situations on this site as I'm fed up having arguments with myself about why I feel the way I do x