View Full Version : Why don't I worry anymore?

03-09-13, 18:55
Lately I just don't worry so much about health.
For example I've hit my head three times today and couldn't care less (usually I'd be freaking out that I was on the verge of dying)
I no longer think I'm going to have a heart attack or stroke all day everyday.
I do get slight worries but nothing like I used to.
Is it wrong i kind of feel strange without it. I feel like I need something to obsess over,

03-09-13, 19:03
I hope you're not worrying about not worrying!


03-09-13, 19:06
It does feel strange Emma. I was actually feeling relaxed one day and the feeling was so strange but it is something that is good for us to get used to :D

03-09-13, 19:07
I've had a look back through old threads of mine from 1.5 / 2 years ago and some of the things I wrote on them I can't believe is me saying them.

03-09-13, 19:10
Sounds like good news Emma, glad you are not worrying about your health. Hope you are enjoying feeling calmer about things. :)

03-09-13, 19:12
I can't believe you said some of those things either Emma! :D It is amazing how we can react when anxious :) I am really pleased you are less anxious now...just in time for you to enjoy that fab holiday in November :) xx

03-09-13, 19:14
According to this I should of died of bowel cancer months ago :roflmao::roflmao:
It's hard to believe now haha.
Yes can't wait till November, :)

03-09-13, 20:23
I felt the same way around 2 weeks ago. Today I'm used to not being upset over every little thing.

03-09-13, 22:17
I keep getting spells where I'll feel quite happy, or where I wake up happy and I start telling myself there's something wrong with me. I've gone for so long feeling depressed, anxious or just apathetic that I get freaked out when I get happy and assume my medication is too strong (even though I've been on the same does for over a year and it's never negatively effected me after the initial 2 months). I need to realise that I'm slowly recovering and accept the happiness that I'm feeling.

03-09-13, 22:55
It sounds like you're in a great place, try not to worry about not worrying lol and enjoy :)