View Full Version : Just got offered a great job

03-09-13, 21:08
And I don't even feel remotely happy. I'm telling myself "This is excellent news! You are very lucky! What a great opportunity!" but deep down all I feel is that this will be yet another struggle for me, I won't enjoy it like I haven't enjoyed anything for the past year and a half, it will be hard work and my anxiety will be running at full speed.

Why can't I feel normal again? :weep:

03-09-13, 21:14
awww its is good news its just anxiety dam thing always spoils things ,very pleased for you tho :)

03-09-13, 21:34
Thank you. :) Just feeling so mentally and physically drained, I'm on the verge of a breakdown. Wish my body would just give out so I could get doped up in the hospital for a week, get some sleep and have some nice meds, maybe I'd feel better after that.

03-09-13, 21:51
I no its such a horrible thing ,that's how I felt last year thought my life was over one year on im better than I was, but my lifes not back to were it was I wonder will it ever be I hope you feel better soon :)

03-09-13, 22:14
Congratulations on being offered the job! :yesyes: That's a great achievement. Just remember, if they didn't think you were capable of doing the job they wouldn't have offered it to you. I often have similar doubts when starting a new job but it's always worked out OK. :)

04-09-13, 07:37
Well done on your new job.

06-09-13, 23:01
Thanks everyone. I actually had two job offers this week, and I'm taking the one with my previous place of work so that takes a lot of the pressure off.

07-09-13, 08:23
Well done on your recent job offers. Hope everything goes well for you. :yahoo:

07-09-13, 15:25
Thank you. :) I'm feeling a bit more positive now.