View Full Version : Genersl Day to Day anxiety symptoms

03-09-13, 21:22
I know we all mostly have specific symptoms that we focus on and get anxious about, some of us get intense panic attacks etc

But do others just experience day to day anxiety in the sense it might not be a specific symptoms but more feeling like your mind is trying to find something to focus on?

For example at the moment there is nothing specific symptom wise I am worried about but I feel incredibly anxious anyway and I am not sure what about?

Further to this I seem to have day to day anxiety symptoms like, feeling breathless, can't relax, racing heart etc

I feel like even though my mind and body have no specific symptom to worry about, my body and mind is still on high alert, like it doesn't know how to relax anymore?
Do people feel like they have ran a marathon some days when you haven't even been obsessing over a specific thing?

Hope that all makes sense?

03-09-13, 22:14
It does and I get that all the time buddy. I had a few days lately where I was anxious with nothing to focus on, then my mind decided to focus on my stomach. I think there's always something underlying to focus on and so we do that without actually knowing what we fear. Pretty crazy but that's life.

03-09-13, 22:30
Another thing is having health anxiety for 5 years I have developed what some would call "ticks", if I am more anxious than normal I have this as my fiancee would put it "bloody annoying cough" its like a like back of the throat forced cough, and when I am not anxious or not thinking about it, I don't do it but If i start thinking about it I cough every few minutes.

Its crazy how the mind can dictate the body so much!

03-09-13, 22:42
Oh yes, I am fully in this phase right now. I seem to have moved on from my heart anxiety and now I just feel generally off and horrible all day (see my post in the Symptoms forum). I feel terrible from head to toe all day, I can't even really describe it or tell you what exactly is wrong except that I feel awful physically which makes me feel awful mentally.

04-09-13, 01:25
I am the same! I feel horrid constantly and i dont feel like i am worrying which makes me worry i suppose its a vicious cycle