View Full Version : Purple hue to lips? :s

03-09-13, 22:17
Is it weird that my lips are a little purple?
Usually my lips go from being paleish pink to red but now they're like red with a purpleish colour coming out from one corner of the bottom lip and comes around the edge and fades out as it goes around.
I've heard lip discoloration can be due to internal problems so i'm pretty scared..

04-09-13, 16:02
Why won't anyone help me? I'm really scared :(

04-09-13, 22:08
I've noticed the same thing. My bloods are normal as I had blood work done not so long ago, my blood oxygen level is fine so I would guess it might just a natural thing that happens as you age, maybe the lips start to loose color?

I first noticed it after I lost weight n I was slim to begin with so it could something to do with that too. I'm not low in any vitamins but taking some might help?