View Full Version : Feeling poorly :(

03-09-13, 23:00
I'm poorly. I hate being ill as I always fear the worst!
Came back from a trip out with the kids and felt dithery with a headache. Thought it might just be the fresh air or my period isn't too far away.
Anyway I've come to bed and I've got a temperature and my heart is thudding like crazy.
I'm convinced I've got something awful like meningitis or inoperable cancer. Or an infection my body cant fight.
I just can't sleep now :(
I had a chesty cough last week and I thought it was clearing up, I've not been as bad with it but now worried it might be an infection.

04-09-13, 16:08
Still feeling poorly with a temperature this evening. Starting to worry more. Surely I would be feeling a bit better by now :(

04-09-13, 16:29
HI Mummyanxious

Just wanted to reply and let you know that I too am feeling rotten today.

I work at a college and it was my first day back yesterday and low and behold yesterday evening one side of my throat hurt and I had a headache.

Today my ears hurt, my head hurts and I don't feel well.

Like you I hate being ill as I'm always thinking the worst, I can never just think "oh I've got a cold or a virus" it's always something terminal or life threatening.

I think there are a lot of bugs around at the moment, my mum has had a bad throat and a couple of people were off in our office last week due to really bad colds/viruses so it's obviously doing the rounds.

Try not to worry (I'm a fine one to talk) get some rest and drink plenty and I'm sure you'll be on the mend soon enough.

I think it's getting to that time of year when kids start returning to school and all the horrible germs start to surface!

Take care

Female healthanxiety
04-09-13, 17:12
Hello Mummyanxious,

sorry you are feeling poorly.

I see you mentioned that your monthlys are nearly here - I don't know about you, but I have noticed that myself and a lot of other people with HA, have there worst anxiety around this time, it can be literraly at its worst - and I have noticed that!

I have downloaded an ap on my iphone called Pink Pad - and this is how I began to notice my anxiety and HA was worse (it was 10 days before at some point).

It has a list of symptoms on a daily basis which you select - ie, anxiety, tearful, angry, insecure, not well, and there is also a seperate section where you can put daily notes - which is great when I refer that.

Maybe something to think about.

It is very humid and warm today - so that is probably why you have a headache.

You maybe more then likley as well have a post viraml - which can sometimes make you feel as crappy as when you actually had your physical symptoms, ie, your chesty cough - this happened to me, after my viral infection went I felt really dizzy and off!!! Well, even more in my case!


04-09-13, 17:39
Thank you for your replies :)

I do certainly get anxious around the time of the month, always have done.
But I do have a physical temperature, not just feeling hot, and I shouldn't think your body can give you a temperature falsely. Feeling really achy too. Just really not with it at all. No good with the school run now, just the worst possible timing :(

05-09-13, 09:31
Fourth day of feeling rechid. I'm so worried I have something wrong with me. I've been really tired all the time for a long while. Now I just seem to keep picking up bugs and can't shake them off. I just feel so terribly exhausted and achy today still.

Female healthanxiety
05-09-13, 10:36

I am the same.

Believe it or not, when I am at my most anxious - I get a slight temperature!

It sounds as if you might be coming down with something if you are achy.

There is so much going about and a few of my colleagues are off work


05-09-13, 16:39
Well whatever it is if its a virus its hanging around. And I've felt a bit better today but bam evening and my temperature has gone up again :(
Went to the dr last night and of course it was its a virus, rest and plenty of fluid. No chest infection thankfully. But I don't feel any improvement yet. I'm certain I've got a defective immune system.

05-09-13, 16:44
I know it's rough when you're feeling horrible, but you only posted about feeling bad on the 3rd, and it's only the 5th today, so that's not really that unusual a length of time for a virus! Suspect you've just picked something up from the kids. Even when I just have a cold I feel a bit rubbish for a good (bad!) three days...

05-09-13, 19:53
I've been feeling run down and like I'm coming down with something since Sunday. It was only really Tuesday it properly stepped up a notch. I don't understand how I can not have a temperature in the day and then it comes back with a vengeance at tea time??? What weirdness is that? My head is all stuffed up now too. It seems to be just getting worse instead of better, more symptoms coming. Like my body just can't cope.