View Full Version : Feeling horrible again help please?

03-09-13, 23:49
Hi guys. Back again for the third night In a row, tonight I'm feeling absolutely awful, I just can not relax, if you have seen any of my other posts you will know I'm under so much pressure right now it's un real, and I am living apart from my fiancé who as been my crutch through my anxiety disorder. My heads just gone blank so I'm probably babbling. But if you haven't read my previous posts. At the minute my lie consists of

Being 22
Lost my job
Lost my home
Grandfather diagnosed with cancer
Grandmother being abusive to me through possible dementia
Living apart from my fiancé of 6 years.
Being sole carer of my grandparents.

And all this as happened in the last 4 weeks!

I thought id got my anxiety under control and was rid of it. But it's back now and bigger n worse than ever. And I have forgot all my techniques to calm down as I just can't think straight. Can Someone please help me out how to relax myself even a bit. Anything will help. I feel like I'm going under.

04-09-13, 00:03
OK. 1st thing you can is saying loudly in your head "STOP" as if you're doing an emergency stop in a car. They say it brings your mind into focus and stops you thinking and dwelling on stuff.

2nd why not call the Samaritans?

3 Make an appointment in the morning to see your GP to get a package of support in place for you. You need help and you can't do this on your own.

Have you read the replies people have left for you on the other threads you've posted?

04-09-13, 00:10
OK. 1st thing you can is saying loudly in your head "STOP" as if you're doing an emergency stop in a car. They say it brings your mind into focus and stops you thinking and dwelling on stuff.

2nd why not call the Samaritans?

3 Make an appointment in the morning to see your GP to get a package of support in place for you. You need help and you can't do this on your own.

Have you read the replies people have left for you on the other threads you've posted?

Okay I remember that one now. Thank you

And yes I have read the replies that say about care package to help me out, and I booked an appointment with my GP. However my surgery has 9,000 patients. And it's a little wait. And have got the earliest appointment of next Thursday. Just needed a respite to get me through till then.

And the Samaritans is a brilliant idea. I didn't think of that. Thank you very much

04-09-13, 00:25
You could also try NHS Direct. The number was 0845 4647 but I'm not sure what you local one will be. Or call you GP surgery to find out the out of hours number if you need it. A valium or two might be all you need to take the edge off it and help you cope for a day or two

04-09-13, 00:41
You could also try NHS Direct. The number was 0845 4647 but I'm not sure what you local one will be. Or call you GP surgery to find out the out of hours number if you need it. A valium or two might be all you need to take the edge off it and help you cope for a day or two

Do you know what I'd love to take a Valium and it have the effect it had the very first time I had one, I never felt better, unfortunately all the other times I took it I felt awful still! I don't want to get into it to much as I don't want to become addicted by chasing the feeling of the first time. It's good just to talk I think I have far too much time to think since losing my job.