View Full Version : Help please

04-09-13, 06:20
Been on cit for a year. Had a horrid time getting on it. Everything was OK till bank holiday Monday. Before cit I felt I'll. Aches weird rushing feeling thru body fatigue and a very tight chest. I felt tingles all over my body... well last week it all came back apart from the tight chest. At first I thought it was a bug. Then if my mind was distracted it would go away then once doing nothing it comes back. Is this pos x.... x

04-09-13, 21:59
im a bit like that, but i get dizzy n brain zaps n foggy mind, i got them b4 cit too i reckon its just anxiety and harmless, altho feels realy crap and has an impact on life, im hoping cit gets rid of it, iv only been on ads 4 months and i guess its still early days, maybe you need to up your dose for a while??