View Full Version : Panic Attacks/Anxiety

04-09-13, 09:13
About five years ago I had to take time off work due to panic attacks. I was prescribed Seroxat 20mg and it worked. Occassionally I have to go up to 30mg. Recently my mum and stepdad have split, we have moved house and lost our dog in the last few weeks. Feeling so anxious and every day is so hard. Still working but starting to worry that I'm going to be really ill or worse again. I am managing to calm down to sleep at night so that's good but not eating much.

04-09-13, 09:22
They say relationship breaks and moving home and losing pets are on high up on the anxiety list, so what you're feeling is normal. Eat little and often to maintain your blood sugar - eat bananas and other healthy foods and they will make you feel better. Can you split the custody of the dog? Oh if you're healthy enough exercise combats stress too.

04-09-13, 10:28
Thanks for that. Should have explained better. It's my mum and stepdad's dog and she was put to sleep. I was staying with my cousin and her family till mum found somewhere to rent and during that time felt fine. Now that I'm living in the new home I'm anxious. I worry about work as my employers weren't understanding when I was off before so don't want to have to miss work again. The new house is beautiful but it just doesn't feel like home and think that's what is making things worse.

04-09-13, 10:35
Sorry to hear about your dog, but rest at ease knowing that there is no more suffering and she is in a better place - doesn't stop you missing them but there's nothing to say you can't give a loving home to a puppy in the future. To feel a new house isn't home is normal - especially if it's rented too as you can't really make your own mark on it - but think of this: we are all renters here in the bigger picture, we never really own stuff like people think we do, we're here on this rock for such a short time in comparison to the trees etc, so just take day by day and your new home for now will feel more homely the longer you stay there.